5 ways how to use the tomato tops on all occasions

  • Dec 24, 2019

When the gardeners prepare for the next gardening season, one of the first places where they go to replenish their supplies - a store of seeds. Rarely who come for some particular varieties of tomatoes, and a wide range of different shapes and colors of tomatoes hardly anyone indifferent. Probably will have a desire to buy a new variety, but not alone, and try to grow it all. As a result, instead of 2 beds planned in advance, we get almost a full garden of tomatoes alone. I think some of this will be very familiar, because almost all those who have land, be sure to grow this plant.

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Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru

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But given that we are dealing with a culture that loves a thorough and comprehensive care is not worth thinking about experimentation. After a half months, from the date of planting tomato plants must be put in order. Comes the turn pasynkovaniya. Pasynkovanie - this procedure is the removal of excess shoots and leaves from plants. After each such removal, a large pile of circumcision leaves and shoots.

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Another unpleasant moment for tomato late blight is a disease, which the fungus pathogen, subject to the defeat of fruits, shoots and leaves. When processing of the growth of this disease is also obtained decent green waste pile.

By the end of the season remains a decent slide from weeding, removing shoots, cleaning the leaves with late blight and removed from the beds tomato foliage. But is it right to carry all that stuff in the trash cans? No, because this plant has unique properties. It can help you get rid of harmful insects and cook nutritious feed up.

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Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru

Insecticide of tomato foliage

Throughout the period, from spring to autumn, plant life threatened many harmful insects. Help get rid of the invasion of "uninvited guests" solanine, a toxic organic compounds emitted by plants of the nightshade family.

See also:Why are tomatoes and peppers curled leaves and what to do?

Prepare the insecticidal solution is quite simple. To do this, pour the crushed tomato tops with 10 liters of warm water, leave to infuse for 3-4 hours. Thereafter be boiled at low heat for 30 minutes. Then, when the broth is cooled down, it is necessary to filter, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 4 admixed and 40-50 g of soap. The resulting composition to spray infested with parasites of the plants. Spraying should be done every 7 days throughout crop growth.

This tool will help to get rid of insects such as the Colorado potato beetle, carrot fly, aphids, sawfly, spider mite and all kinds of caterpillars that eat leaves. Therefore, such an effective drug must always be available.
Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru
Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru

For such solutions can be used and dried tops. The preparation is as follows: 1 kg of dried pour shoots in 10 liters of water and leave it for 6 hours, then refilling of kipyatim2-3 hours water as required to its original level for ready mix prepared broth in a ratio of 1: 3 with water and adjoin soap.

Cooking recipe change is by no means impossible, as any shift may harm themselves knotted fruits and plants. Absolutely can not use a mixture of susceptible disease pasynkovaniya waste, as you risk the disease all the vegetation on the territory of the site.

Applying this effective organic means in the recommended proportions, you will save your plants from harmful insects, taken a liking to your garden, and will be able to gather a good harvest. Remains unused solution should be stored in a cool place for up to 8 months, while retaining its useful properties. Therefore it is possible to pour all, for example, in a small spray bottle and use for the treatment of domestic flowers.


Shoots and leaves from tomato plants used in A composting. tomato tops are placed in a compost pit, alternating layers of the ground, and to accelerate the digestion is necessary to pour all the pile essence mullein, urea or concentrate containing the useful microbes. A year later, it can be used on beds.

Of late blight susceptible greens can also be made compost, it is not necessary to get rid of it. Only use it will be possible only after 3 seasons it languishing in a compost heap. This is necessary in order to avoid exposing the illness healthy seedlings.
Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru
Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru
And you make compost from the tops of tomatoes?
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rapid dressing

In fact, to wait for composting need to stock up on a lot of patience and time, which are not always in abundance. In some cases, the fertilizer may be needed at any time. It is necessary to use all the same tops, stepchildren and lower leaves for the preparation of additional forage nutrient nitrogen, which is suitable for all plants in the garden and in the garden. The metal barrel should put green waste, filling them about 2/3, a quarter of the mass can be supplemented with fresh tomato tops. Capacity to the brim filled with water, cover tightly with foil or a lid, after making them perforations. Such nutrient mixture will be ready in a week. For use, a 1 liter solution were diluted 10 liter bucket of water and exercise basal recharge. It will also be good foliar makeup, in which, thanks to this composition, disappear pests.

Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru
Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru

Ash from the tomato tops

As you know, a great view of fertilizer is the ash. In order not to clutter up the perimeter of garden plots mountains of waste for the entire season of foliage, it can burn. In this case, you get a very large amount of natural fertilizer, which contains all the valuable substances that are so necessary for proper vegetation activity.

Once everything has cooled, begin to fertilize perennials, so they can better prepare for hibernation. Also make fertilizer to the land of empty beds to them before the next season and were ready imbued with the necessary elements.
Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru
Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru

Mulch from the tops of tomato

The used herbs in the form of shoots, leaves and tops remaining after pasynkovaniya and remote from the patch after harvesting, appropriate for making mulch. Dried herbs paving distance between the beds around trees and berry fruit bushes. This cover helps in the dry summer trap moisture in the ground, stop the emergence and growth of weeds. This means that you need to do less weeding and reduces the number of watering, it saves time cottagers for other garden Affairs.

Mulch from the tops of tomato © ofazende.ru
Mulch from the tops of tomato © ofazende.ru
2 months later padded tops give humus that enrich the land for a long time on the site with nutrients. A makeup vokrugkornevaya trees will not let harmful insects wintering arrange the roots.

Gardener, who has long engaged in cultivation of vegetable crops, has long studied the properties of the tomato tops and actively use it in their backyards. Beginners should also take note that the information received and will certainly use it. This will help to grow a good crop and save money from buying expensive inorganic fertilizers and fertilizing.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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