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There is no perfection in the world. Here, sometimes, buy a beautiful (and expensive!) Makeup, and you can not put it down not only the look, but with a price tag and label. Be sure to remain traces of paper and these nasty sticky residue. Same story with glassware and bottles. Well, there's a way to get rid of this confusion and bring back container decent view. We watch and repeat!
Traces of stickers and price tags spoil a kind gift and your mood? No problem. Even if you tore etiquette well too crooked, there's an easy way to correct this oversight. No more traces of paper and glue. Checked bloggers!
To remove traces of glue and paper from the labels, you will need:
1. Dishwashing liquid;
2. Soda;
3. Any oil (e.g., sunflower oil);
stage 1
In a bowl or sink type hot water, add a little dish detergent (before the formation of foam), and put things "otkisat". After a few minutes, remove them and wipe dry. You will find that part of the problem has already been solved. But not all.
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step 2
In a separate bowl, mix vegetable oil and baking soda in equal parts. Treat the resulting paste is the "problem" areas and leave for a couple of minutes. After wipe remedy dry sponge, cloth or dense tissue. The oil effectively dissolves the adhesive, and the soda works as a mild abrasive. So from the next label will be over!
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