Penny means to effectively bleach kitchen towels

  • Dec 24, 2019

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The most effective bleach for kitchen towels
The most effective bleach for kitchen towels

It is not necessary to buy expensive bleaching agents, if needed to wash dirty, greasy kitchen towels, worn white stuff or baby T-shirts, which were still snow-white now morning. To do this, there is a simple and effective means.

For washing kitchen towels and other worn items, you can use a safe folk remedy, which used more of our mothers and grandmothers. Thanks to him, wash out all the spots, and the color becomes more intense.

Mustard and water
Mustard and water

Composition means incredibly simple. It needs only two components:
mustard powder - 2 tbsp
hot water - 1 liter.

Result mustard wash
Result mustard wash

Mustard diluted with hot water and allowed to infuse, then filtered and dirty towels soaked in the solution. It is best to leave them at night. In the morning wash as usual. Towels will be white and disinfect.

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