Reproduction of roses by layering in spring with their hands

  • Dec 24, 2019

Reproduction of roses by layering in spring - a popular way to increase the number of your favorite varieties of bushes. This option is quite simple and does not require additional investments. Vegetative method of reproduction well suited for plant bush varieties, as well as instances with long stems.

Reproduction of roses by layering - a popular way to increase the number of your favorite varieties of bushes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Reproduction of roses by layering - a popular way to increase the number of your favorite varieties of bushes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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soil preparation

Preparation for the procedure begins in mid-spring. The exact time depends on the climatic zone. You must wait longer predicted extreme cold, including at night. When the snow melts, it is required to make room for planting. It is necessary to remove debris, last year's leaves, branches. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the mother's bush. Plot size for layering is calculated taking into account the length of the stem which will be used for this purpose.

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When the portion adjacent to the main plant cleaned, it is recommended to prepare the ground. First of all, you need to loosen the ground. If the land on which grow roses, poor in minerals, can add a small amount of fertilizer. In addition, the site prepared for the cuttings, sprinkled a little peat and compost. At a short distance from the main bush dig a recess, its length should be equal to the length of the stem, which is prepared for layering. The width of the recess should be approximately 10-12 cm. Place for future plants can be left for a few days, so that the earth warmed by the sun.

Preparation and packing slips

When the soil is ready, choose one viable stem at the bottom of the parent bush. More than one layering is not recommended so as not to harm the plant. The selected stem must be mature (at least a year), but flexible enough. Then the future strains purified from the leaves and cuttings, leaving only a few large kidney. For a more intense formation of root bark near the eyes from below by an incision 4-6 cm. In some cases, you can do without cuts by the kidneys, but then partially cut crust in several places along the length of the stem. This procedure ensures the future supply of nutrients to the roots emerging.

Young rose can be transplanted to a pre-prepared seedbed, but be sure to hide for the winter with a special material. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Young rose can be transplanted to a pre-prepared seedbed, but be sure to hide for the winter with a special material. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Strains are not separated from the parent bush and simply tilt to the ground and placed into the prepared trench. Pre-poured on the bottom of humus, peat and sand. Tip with 2-3 buds, however, remains on the surface, it needs to be fixed vertically. Areas where the incisions are made, fixed wooden, metal or plastic garden hooks. Then, stem covered with soil to which you can add compost.

Care and Department of germs

Throughout the summer, the site of a prikopalis stem should be maintained. Land should be watered frequently. It is recommended to loosen the soil over the entire area and to make sure that was not formed crust. Be sure to remove the weeds, because the harmful plants are able to disrupt the flow of nutrients.

By the end of the summer roses in the future should form the root system. In early autumn, you need to separate the young shoots from the parent bush. To do this, carefully dig up the stem to determine where there roots. Then the new young bushes cut off using pruning shears or shovel. It is recommended to disinfect the garden tools before this procedure.

Young plants can be transplanted to a pre-prepared seedbed, but be sure to hide for the winter with a special material, pre-spiked around the shoots peat and compost. If you expect frosty winter, the plants with a weak root system is better to plant in pots with a mixture of soil and sand, keeping the soil moist. In this case, Rose left until spring in the room.

After melting snow bushes planted in a permanent place. In the first year the buds break off, to ensure that the root system of nutrition. In the second year, when the plants gain strength for climbing or of stem rose, propagated by layering, flowers are formed.

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