Krizantema say Thank you! How to prepare it for the winter, to avoid missing and luxuriously blooming the following year

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Cultures that are garden decoration until frost, like many growers. Chrysanthemums - undemanding plants. But there are a "but". If you want to create the most decorative effect in the flower garden, do not neglect the care of plants in the fall and prepare for the winter season. This is the main condition for the flowering of culture! Other nuances of courtship will be used in spring and summer.

If culture is left untreated prior to the cold, it is, of course, will survive and will delight for its flowers. However, the bloom is not so plentiful. Recommended care for garden crops in the autumn.

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How to prepare for the winter period chrysanthemum

Let us examine the distinctive features of the culture of care after the flowering period.

Fertilize Chrysanthemum once bloomed. Someone, perhaps, ask for something to feed the plant, if it has already faded. We deal with this issue with two points:

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  • Culture has spent almost all the power they need to be restored;
  • specific elements contribute to the strengthening of the roots and the health of chrysanthemums, it is necessary by the way before the winter stress period.
Use fertilize containing phosphorus and potassium. It is these elements first of all spends chrysanthemum, when the blooms. Also, phosphorus-potassium fertilization "work" in order to strengthen the root system of culture.
Nitrogen applied in the autumn is contraindicated for all plants, except for the evergreen. It contributes to the stimulation of growth of leaves and shoots. A culture that has entered a period of active development, low rates of frozen temperatures. The plant can thus be killed. It is also forbidden to use manure and bird droppings.

Do I need to cut the chrysanthemum and how to deal with the disease?

It is recommended to cut the culture of the winter period, leaving the shoots with a height of about three to ten centimeters without foliage. Thus you will achieve two goals. Chrysanthemum will not have to spend energy to maintain a lot of green: the energy will come in handy in the long winter. Hemp will delay the snow mass, respectively the root system is protected by a low temperature.

Do not leave for the winter chrysanthemum sick. It is recommended in the autumn to process the special tools, if they were seen signs of disease. So the risk that the plant will be lost, will be reduced considerably. From prevention to spill cut chrysanthemum potassium permanganate: it is decontaminated and culture, and the land around it. A rapid recovery of the healthy microflora of the soil.

And now the most contentious issue: whether to cover a chrysanthemum?

Experience has shown that if the culture does not hide in the winter in the middle latitudes of Russia, and even in areas more severe, it will be able to survive until spring.

Three phenomena that are not desirable for chrysanthemums in winter:

  • frost below -25 degrees Celsius;
  • Frost and a small thickness of the snow;
  • winter thaw: the culture is in the growth, and then killed by the newly returning frost.

Spud shoots that remain after pruning, to the risks of destruction of culture were zero. Avoid stagnation of water, due to which the plant may rot. The soil will protect roots against low temperatures. You can also cover chrysanthemum spruce branches or dense layer of mulch.

If you live in an unfavorable climate, and there are risks threatening the existence of the culture, you can make the following cover:

  • It is necessary to impose a hemp plants bricks (two rows). Inside the resulting square lay spruce branches, and the top - slate.
  • Another way. Place the arc, put spruce branches on the ground and pull agrovoloknom. It will be covered with a large part of the flower bed.

If you want to cover better and warmer, you can put on top of spruce branches again. In the case of severe frosts can distribute the top of the snow.

Let your favorite flowers to successfully survive the winter and delight you with its beauty every year!

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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