If you are planting tomatoes, do not forget to throw in the hole is ...

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Tomatoes are a culture that requires special attention, respectively, to get a good crop, it is necessary to strive.

In the autumn digging up the soil and make fertilizer (we recommend chicken droppings).

If the ground is acidic tomatoes will grow poorly, respectively, in the autumn period is necessary to make liming land.

Before the planting hole to throw the following fertilizer.

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  • two grams of potassium permanganate;
  • Ten liters of water;
  • 10 grams of fresh yeast.


Mix water and yeast.

Let the prepared solution configure themselves twenty-four hours.

Add potassium permanganate and immediately watered well.

To each well, pour twenty grams of the mixture and immediately plant the tomatoes.

We wish you a decent harvest!

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more: Grandfather's recipe for tomato