The neighbors laughed at his design of plastic pipe, and then regret not having done the same

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Plastic pipes with a flood protection.
Plastic pipes with a flood protection.

When a local Texas Randy Wagner brought to its adjoining land of 120 meters of plastic pipe, neighbors looked upon him as abnormal. However, when in the village there was a flood, house, Randy was the only one who has not suffered from the disaster.

Plastic pipe length of 120 meters around the house.
Plastic pipe length of 120 meters around the house.

After Randy heard on the radio that with high probability in the city are expected to flood, a man seriously thoughtful about how you can protect your home and the area. On the Internet, it has attracted an advertisement for the sale of plastic pipe, which he had bought, to pay $ 8300. Everything considered this act very strange and stupid - to pay such a sum for some unnecessary pipe - for many it was akin to madness.
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An unconventional way to protect against flooding.
An unconventional way to protect against flooding.

But man does not listen - in his head already had a plan. Randy arranged along the perimeter of its original dam portion and filled water pipe. To design has become even more reliable, forward-resident town of Rosharon strengthened it with sandbags.

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Sandbags serve to strengthen the tube.
Sandbags serve to strengthen the tube.
Home dam that saved the house from flooding.
Home dam that saved the house from flooding.

And now the time has come "X" - the flood really happened. The city suffered all the houses, but the house, Randy. His site was completely free of water. the craftsman only grins himself, because he has spent only $ 8300, and the damage from the floods, only a rough estimate, would be $ 150,000. And who is now left in the cold?

When surrounded by raging elements.
When surrounded by raging elements.

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