What flowers can be planted seedlings in January to early bloom

  • Dec 24, 2019
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To blooming delight you from the beginning of the summer season and before frost, it is necessary in January to plant seeds of flowers that have a long growing season, seedlings. Such crops that are planted later or directly into the soil, will not have time to bloom for a long time in this year, and will delight you with less time. We tell what plants can be sown now and how competently to grow healthy seedlings.

You want to petunia blossom as early as possible? Plant seedlings in January!
You want to petunia blossom as early as possible? Plant seedlings in January!

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In the first winter month for seedlings can be grown:

  • Annual crops (petunia, snapdragon, and others).
  • Biennial culture in annual culture in areas where plants can not survive the winter cold.
  • Perennial crops (primula, begonias). To get a strong healthy seedlings, pleasing colors and wonderful smell throughout the summer period, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the development of seedlings.
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What conditions are necessary seedlings

Culture "observe" biological laws, breach of which the seedlings can grow feeble or die, and culture will bloom poorly in the future.

Choose nutritious soil. Obezzarazte soil heat or potassium permanganate. Purchase a ready-ground, created individually for each of the flowers.

To grow seedlings, you need a variety of containers and containers (either purchased or from household materials). Tanks must be well washed, disinfected, in a day to do the drainage holes.

Fill the pots with soil, compact, thoroughly moisten and begin to sow the seeds.

Planting a variety of techniques, depending on seed size. If the seed lot, on the surface of the earth make furrows three to four centimeters in them lay the seeds and sprinkle them with soil. If the small seeds, sprinkle them on the ground, lightly sprinkle top prokalonnym melenko sand.

Growers with experience recommend small seeds sown on the snow. On the prepared land sprinkle of snow, slightly tamp and scatter the seeds. They are drawn into the soil to the desired depth, after the snow has melted.

Before the seeds germinate, the container, close the transparent film to create a greenhouse effect, since at this time the seeds need moisture, warmth and air.

During the day it is not necessary to open the container once to ventilate and remove condensate from the film. When will appear the first shoots, remove the foil.

You can buy a variety of containers for seedlings
You can buy a variety of containers for seedlings

The main thing with the appearance of seedlings - doing the three rules

1. Suitable soil moisture. If the soil is overly hydrated, it will lead to what will develop fungal disease "black leg", and all the seedlings will die very quickly. Pour the ground with the spray, when the surface layer dries. From prevention to scatter around the seedlings razmelchonny activated carbon or fine sand prokalonny.

Sprouts on a special rack with fitolamp. Illustrations for an article taken from the Internet
Sprouts on a special rack with fitolamp. Illustrations for an article taken from the Internet

2. Maintain the desired temperature (should not be more than fifteen degrees Celsius).

3. Seedlings provide artificial light fitolapmoy to increase daylight hours to fourteen or sixteen hours.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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