Useful use of plastic bottles in the garden (Part 2)

  • Dec 24, 2019

In previous articles we looked at the different ways to use plastic bottles. From such a container can make useful devices for questioning. Today we continue our conversation with you on this topic.


Plastic containers - excellent basis for a temporary sink. To make it, you need to cut off the bottom, turn the bottle and attach it to a pole or wall. Do not make too many holes, otherwise the water will seep through them, and the wall will be constantly wet, which will lead to the emergence of mold. Moreover, in flowing sink have to constantly add water.

It is not necessary to equip the sink special nozzle. Leave the lid on the neck, and when necessary, unscrew it. Thus you will be able to regulate the pressure. For the manufacture of the nozzle can use unnecessary syringe.

Holder Package

Capacity with a large neck can act as a holder for rags or packages. The diameter of the folded package is to be a little more neck, otherwise the content will start to fall out or get stuck. small bottle suitable for the holder. You will have to completely cut off the neck.
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To repair the greenhouse

If your greenhouse is set glazed greenhouse, it may happen that its walls are damaged. For temporary patches use the old bottles. Cut off the bottom and the neck so that you end up with the cylinder. Cut the "tube", straighten the edges and iron iron (through heavy paper or cloth). As a result, you'll have a smooth piece of clear plastic. Make several such parts and sew them together using wire, twine or strong thread. It is desirable to sew them overlap. Thus you eliminate the flow of the design.

Of plastic containers can get fence for flower beds and walkways. Take two strong fishing line or wire, put them on the bottles. To guard looked beautiful, use the same bottle. Along the edges of the beds dug bars. Tension between the two wires with bottles. The neck can cut or dig into the ground.

To repel pests

To scare off a suburban area of ​​moles and birds need a special device. For its production, use the plastic bottle. During its rotation will create a sound that will scare away intruders.

Cut and bend the side walls in the form of blades. In the bottom of the make a hole. Insert the wire. Pull it up to the neck with a lid. wire end pointed that the container can rotate freely. Fill the bottle of fine gravel, nuts or cogs. As soon as the wind starts to blow, the design will rotate and emit intimidating to the sound of birds.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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