5 secrets of lush peony bloom

  • Dec 13, 2020

It is difficult to find a suburban area, for the decoration of which peonies would not be planted. These plants in perfect condition are beautiful bushes covered with buds, but sometimes you can find only 1-2 flowers.

It is difficult to find a suburban area, for the decoration of which peonies would not be planted. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
It is difficult to find a suburban area, for the decoration of which peonies would not be planted. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Highlights of care

Peonies give small flowers in the first year, their shade may not correspond to that indicated on the package with seeds. Experts say that the culture is in full force only in the fifth season after planting.

In order for the plants to please gardeners with their beautiful appearance, they need to be provided with proper care. The secrets of a lush peony bloom lie in the little things that many beginners do not know about.

Watering, loosening and feeding peonies

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Frequent watering of the plant is required only in hot and dry summers. If a moderate temperature with frequent precipitation is established outside during this period, humidification is not required. In the heat, the plant is watered once every 7-10 days. Peonies need more moisture in late May - early June. At this time, there is an active appearance of inflorescences and green mass. The next peak in moisture consumption will occur in mid-July - August. At this time, the formation of the kidneys takes place.

Water does not need to be poured directly under the base of the bush, because in this place is the rhizome, the task of which accumulate nutrients, in the process of absorbing liquid, this part of the plant is practically not participates. Young roots absorb moisture, and most of them are located on the periphery. Correctly, if the water is poured at a distance of 25 cm from the center. If the plant is old and has grown well, then the distance is increased to 40 cm. To make it more convenient to water, at this distance they dig a small groove around the bush, into which water is poured. 1 bush requires 3 to 4 buckets of liquid. This procedure should be carried out in the evening.

Loosening must be done after each watering. The depth of soil cultivation directly under the bush is about 5 to 7 cm, at a distance of 25 cm - 10-15 cm is already allowed.

If the planting of peonies was carried out correctly, then the first 2 years of feeding the plant is not required at all. When preparing a hole for a flower, fertilizer is placed in it. Starting from the third year, top dressing is applied to the soil 4 times per season.

The first time fertilizers are used as soon as sprouts appear. 10 liters of water are taken and 1 tbsp is diluted in them. ammonium nitrate. 1 bucket of top dressing goes to the bush. From above, the soil around the plant is covered with humus.

The second time feeding is required when the buds appear. To ensure the best flowering, take 0.5 tbsp. ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium salt. The mixture is scattered under the bush and mixed with the soil.

The third application of top dressing occurs during flowering. The composition of the mixture is the same as for bud formation.

For the fourth time, fertilization is required for peonies when the last flowers have faded. Do not fertilize dry soil. This should be done after watering or after rain.

If the planting of peonies was carried out correctly, then the first 2 years of feeding the plant is not required. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Ways to improve flowering

The first 2 years the plants are not allowed to bloom, because the formation of inflorescences requires the consumption of nutrients that are necessary for the development of the root system.

Removing excess buds and rejuvenating bushes

Also, experts insist on removing the lateral buds, then the rest of the inflorescences will grow large. It is required to observe the bush and remove the fading flowers at once. Dried foliage and flowers should not be left on the plant, because they can cause gray mold formation.

Splitting the bush

The age of the peony affects the intensity of flowering. The older it is, the fewer flowers are formed on it and, moreover, they gradually become smaller. Therefore, once every 10 years, it is customary to divide the old bush into 2 new ones. To do this, an old peony is dug up and divided so that each part has at least 3-4 buds. This procedure should be carried out only in August.

In general, caring for this plant is not as difficult as it might seem. If everything is done correctly and in a timely manner, then such work will be limited only to the necessary manipulations.

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