We use coffee as a fertilizer for the garden

  • Dec 24, 2019

What's better than a strong coffee, will help us to cheer up and be on our toes all day, delighting his scent. If you are a lover and connoisseur of this drink, do not rush to wash the coffee machine or the Turk, after preparation and dispose of their contents. Following the advice from our article, the remaining cake will be useful to you in the garden and will grow a good crop.

Drink in the morning favorite tonic has become a ritual for most people. Due invigorating properties eyes open, awake body, lying mood, improving the working attitude. Among other things, the coffee grounds is a source that contains all the nutrients for growing. It contains nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus - and that may be better for seedlings than organic fertilizer.

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Coffee as a fertilizer

Cake, left over from the preparation of the ground coffee is not as fast-acting as chemical fertilizers, and it should not completely replace the additional forage plants. But if you make it into the soil, it will contribute to the saturation of the ground by nitrogen and attract earthworms. Coffee grounds contain potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus. All this increases soil biological value for the cultivation of plants and allows them to easily eat beneficial from the soil elements.

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Sleeps grounds contains 2% nitrogen. This means that the cake can not replace nitrogen fertilizers. Trace elements contained in the tea leaves asleep, stand slowly, because it decomposes very long. But that is what makes it possible to feed the soil for a long enough time.

Sleeps thick has a neutral pH, and not acidic as that of freshly brewed coffee. Therefore, the cake can be used for feeding all species of plants.

But remember that you can not use instant or milled coffee beans uncooked. Fertilizer should be prepared correctly and prepare it in advance basis. Used bagasse, washed with water and dried and stored in a location inaccessible sunlight.

Compost coffee grounds

Done with compost coffee grounds sleeps simple enough, it is necessary to add the washed and dried pomace in compost heap or pit, along with other remnants of plant and animal origin, such as sawdust, straw, manure, grass clippings and wood chips. As can be added and used paper filters for coffee machines. All this peregniet and serve as an excellent compost.

If you are not a private home or you can not go to the country to prepare the compost during the winter, you can store the dried cake at home and cook the compost just before use.

It is important to take into account in the preparation of compost competent selection of ingredients ratio. Coffee grounds should not exceed 1/5 of the total composition, otherwise the compost just will not "work" properly.

Mulch from the coffee grounds

Gardeners frequently use the washed thick as mulch. She environmentally sound plant, contributes to the enrichment of the earth useful elements that it contains. And it helps to attract earthworms to loosen the soil.

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There is also a negative aspect in the application of a mulch - it may give a mold that can threaten seedlings. It is therefore necessary to prepare thick sleeps as fertilizer and compost, it should be cleaned by water and dried. Especially such training is needed if grounds contains milk or sugar, to avoid attracting ants to the plants, aphids and other pests, loving sweet.

soil improver

Bringing the soil is sleeping grounds, it promotes aeration. This helps air to saturate the ground and reach the roots of plants. Therefore, if the garden soil does not get the necessary oxygen for seedlings quantities should improve her condition using thick asleep when adding it to the upper layer of sod in the beds.

Cultivation of green coffee

You can experiment and grow at home greens in boxes or small pots containing coffee substrate. This method was proposed by British industrial designer from London Blake Parkinson's, which he called Urb. It is very important in this growing fed regularly fertilize plants, otherwise they will arise a lack of micronutrients.

Barrier against pests

Some insects simply can not tolerate the smell of coffee, for example, carrot fly. Also, if the spill is sleeping thick around plants, you can get rid of slugs, ants and snails. Adding to the soil cake deter the insect larvae that feed on roots. Can also handle processes spraying solutions containing the coffee, it will eliminate the aphids.

Among other pests, the smell deters bugs and mosquitoes.

Of course, it is not necessary to use coffee as an independent means to get rid of various harmful insects for seedlings. But as a tool for integrated pest it should take note.

repeller cats

Sometimes our pets are the beds and vegetable garden at its discretion in the form of his toilet or for digging holes. To protect plants and crops, need to generously showered garden coffee grounds. Strong flavor scare pets. Sensitive sense of smell does not allow them to play pranks in the wrong place.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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