Yellow leaves of raspberry: Causes and Solutions

  • Dec 24, 2019
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If you find that the raspberry leaves prematurely yellowed, you must take action. This phenomenon may be due to improper care, pests and various diseases.

Raspberry relates to nekapriznym cultures, however, it requires appropriate care. Yellowing of leaves in spring or summer indicates a problem and it should be addressed as early as possible. What to do in this case? This will be discussed in detail.

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raspberry leaves turn yellow due to improper care

If raspberry leaves turned yellow at a time when such a thing is considered abnormal, it may indicate that planting too thickened and it is not enough light and air. To resolve this issue is possible through proper pruning and thinning. Moreover, the procedure of the plan promotes healthy culture. Yellow leaves can appear because of an overabundance of moisture in the soil. Most often this happens in a period of prolonged rainfall.

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The abundance of moisture washes away from the upper layers of soil nutrients, as a result they do not have time to get to the root system. In this case the bush begins to experience a shortage of nitrogen and potassium. Excessive watering can also disrupt the proper development of raspberry.

Leaves turn yellow raspberries, not only from an overabundance of moisture, but also because of the drought. The plant begins to fade from the lack of moisture and nutrients. In this case, all fixable. Just enough to ensure that a plant watering and competent to carry out the procedure, focusing on the weather conditions.

raspberry leaves turn yellow due to the imbalance of nutrients in the soil

Often considered the phenomenon when a raspberry leaves turn yellow due to nitrogen deficiency. This element takes the lead role in photosynthesis, nitrogen starvation so often entails paleness and yellowing of the foliage. In addition, plants are stunted, it begins to bloom in the wrong time. To solve this problem is possible by applying nitrogen fertilizing. Berry must be regularly watered and feed mixtures in which nitrogen is present. Considered ideal fertilizer urea solution. For its preparation must be diluted in a bucket 150 g of this substance.

Sometimes, such that the leaves turn yellow due to lack of magnesium or manganese. This phenomenon can also be observed when an excess of phosphorus and potassium. What are the steps to the problem was solved? It is necessary to make fertilizer, adhering to established dosages and timing.

raspberry leaves turn yellow due to illness

Sometimes causes yellowing of leaves from raspberries can signal more serious problems. We are talking about dangerous diseases of fungal or viral nature. Which of them you risk to face? Consider this question in more detail.

raspberry root cancer

Root cancer (zobovatost roots) is a bacterial disease that is characterized by loss of the root system of the plant. Bacteria its way into the tissue through mechanical damage, resulting in roots incrustation-galls having brown smooth coating. Soon, they merge into one. Modified roots can not afford to absorb sufficient moisture and nutrients from the soil. As a result, there is the yellowing of the aerial parts of the bush. In addition, the raspberry bushes fade, the leaves dry up and fall off, new shoots grow short, berry shrinking and losing its characteristic taste. If time does not begin treatment, the plant will die.

How to cure the root raspberries cancer?

Unfortunately, the disease is difficult to treat, so you need to direct all their efforts on preventive measures and maintenance of the plant.

With this disease can be encountered if a long time to grow raspberries at one site. Zaschelochennaya depleted soil and dry weather is also accompanied by the development of the root of cancer.

Preserve the culture will help the following activities:

  • Bushes with signs of disease scoop and dispose of by incineration. In their place it is forbidden to plant other crops for 2-4 years. After this period, all pathogenic microbes die.
  • Get planting material in the audited areas.
  • Timely removal of weeds spend and stick to rotation.
  • Keep an eye on the acidity of the soil. 1% solution of copper sulfate. In the same part of the roots soak the planting material, and then rinse with water. In one bucket will require 100 g.
  • Regularly fertilize culture fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus.
  • Allow the plant to the correct watering, special attention paid to the procedure in times of drought.

raspberry rust

Rust is one of the most common diseases which affects many crops. With the fungal infection risk facing and raspberries. The fact that the plant is unhealthy show small bright-red cushions, the contents of which the parasite spores. Soon they burst and the disease spread to other healthy culture. Symptom of this disease - yellow and dry leaves, twigs cracked. Bush markedly diminished, the quality of the crop is significantly reduced, the plant is not able to survive the winter cold.

How to cure a raspberry rust?

The fungus overwinters as spores in fallen leaves. The main culprit of the disease is considered high humidity in warm weather during the growing season. To protect raspberries from this disease need to follow the rules of prevention:

  • Give preference to those varieties which are resistant to rust. You can put on the site the Yellow Spirin, Progress Vechnoplodonosyaschuyu raspberries.
  • When choosing plants, inspect them for defects, do not buy the planting material in untested areas.
  • Try to time to clean the site with weeds and dead parts of plants. As mulch, use manure, do not forget from time to time to loosen the soil.
  • Spring before bloom kidney, perform processing bush 3% solution Bordeaux fluid, 2% sodium or potassium salt of 4% ammonium sulphate solution (400 g substance per 1 bucket of water).
  • If you find that the plant is affected by rust, sprinkle it with fungicide. With the best side proven drugs such as "fitosporin", "Hom", "Ordan" and so forth. Processing should be carried out in four stages (during the bud, before flowering, during the appearance of the ovaries, after harvest).
  • Eliminate showering and shoots with symptoms of the disease. At a massive infection, bushes to dig out and burn.

raspberry chlorosis

Zhilkova chlorosis raspberries - a disease of viral origin. The fact that the raspberries sick chlorosis will testify yellowing of leaves along the veins (at first they will remain green) will soon have a sheet of yellow-brown, dry out and begin skukozhivaetsya. Equally it can be seen stretching and thinning of the shoots. As for the berries, they will ripen only on the side on which the sun shines. The disease progresses rapidly. If no action is taken, it hits all the leaves that fall off soon and raspberries will be deprived of the protection in cold weather. As a result, the plant weakens and dies.

Some types of chlorosis can be triggered by non-infectious causes. In this case we are talking about the lack of drainage of the soil, its high acidity. Sometimes the disease appears in the background of depleted soil composition. However, most of its carriers are such pests like mites and aphids. Infection may occur at the time of inoculation of diseased plants to healthy and unhealthy contact juice cultures. Use of garden equipment without prior decontamination also entails contamination.

How to cure chlorosis raspberries?

It's worth noting that the disease is easier to prevent than to deal with difficult then its treatment.

To save a shrub, take the following preventive measures:

  • Get raspberry varieties that are resistant to chlorosis. In this regard, well-proven Farmer, Cornwall Victoria, Russian yield and so forth.).
  • Buy seedlings without any signs of damage. Do not buy the planting material in questionable places.
  • Timely conduct cleaning portion from the weed litter occasionally friable aisles.
  • Before you use garden tools, process it means for disinfection.
  • Make fertilizer under a bush rotted manure, peat and compost) 1 time every 2-3 years. Per 1 square. m. require 5-6 kg feeding.
  • If you find that the plant is attacked by pests as aphids or mites, then proceed to exterminate them by insecticide treatments. Effective in this regard, the following drugs: "Fufanon", "aktellik", "Inta-Vir."
All parts of the plants with signs of defeat necessarily remove. If the bush is fully infected, it must uproot and burn, otherwise the disease will spread to other landing.

raspberry mosaic

This disease is also viral in nature and can be divided into different groups. Their common feature - yellowing of leaves and randomly scattered spots and stripes of various shapes and sizes. At a massive infection of them visible convex portions themselves the leaves begin to wither and thinner. At the same time weaken and shoots, and the berries are smaller, lose their characteristic flavor. Malinniki weakens after cold winter or hot summer its yield is reduced by 50%. There is also a risk that the bushes are completely lost.

Carriers of the virus is considered to aphids and mites. Pathogens make their way to the plant through wounds of the attack by pests or through mechanical damage.

How to cure a raspberry on a mosaic?

Do not ignore the preventive measures and harmful insects smite sure if this will have an effect. Besides:

  • Buy seedlings without any signs of illness. Get planting material in the audited areas.
  • Remove a portion litter, weeds. Periodically unconsolidated gaps between the rows of plants.
  • If your site grows wild raspberry bushes, did not land near the cultural bush, because the first are often settle insect pests. Throughout the season, fueled raspberry superphosphate, potassium salt, rotted manure or compost.
  • If found in the bush "intruders" in the form of aphids or mites, immediately engage in combat with them. Use the one of the following insecticides: "Spark", "Commander", "Fufanon", "aktellik", "Inta-Vir."
  • Replace chemicals can be folk remedies. Effective in this regard, the infusion or decoction of tobacco chamomile. All parts of the plant, which identified defects are removed.
  • If shrub is strongly impressed dig it up and burn it.
Not to bother to ways to combat various ailments and save raspberry bush, you need only adhere to preventive measures and to provide him with adequate care. Generous you harvest!

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