Flower bed of perennials 5: Plan and description of plants. A photo

  • Dec 24, 2019

Creating a flower garden, many novice gardeners try to include as much as possible of plants, which often do not tolerate the neighborhood with each other. To get a beautiful flower garden is necessary to make a plan. Today we look to you autumn composition which is made up of perennials and ornamental cereals. A short list of varieties can be found in the signature to the plan, and more information is included in a table.

Correctly place the plants in a flower bed will help plan
Correctly place the plants in a flower bed will help plan

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Council. Our flower garden has a rectangular shape. You can create a long border along the path, built a wall or fence. If you want to decorate the bench, arch or track, place these decorative objects on both sides.

5 plants for flower bed

Our project is more suitable for beginner gardeners. We have included a minimum of plants, so it will not make difficult. Perhaps some of them you will not like, or you can not find him. In this case, replace the embodiments as listed in the table.

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5 plants for flower beds and options for their replacement
5 plants for flower beds and options for their replacement


Switchgrass - a plant that keeps the decorative quality throughout the year. If the summer is hot, the culture indulges in active growth. For switchgrass to choose well-lighted place on the site. The plant is not fanciful to the ground - it may be wet, dry, sandy, fertile and even heavy.

Stoically withstand flooding. Watering should be implemented on a dry day. During the growing season requires feeding a complex preparation. In the spring slice is subject to all of the land. Dividing the plant is also carried out in spring.

Switchgrass - long-lived grass starts to grow in late spring
Switchgrass - long-lived grass starts to grow in late spring

stevia purple

Pyshnotsvetuschy undemanding perennial with leaves with serrated border. The height is about 1.5 m.

Miniature baskets assembled into inflorescences, the diameter of which does not exceed 20 cm. The flowers are pale pink, lilac-purple, white.

The flowering period is in July-August. Endure the winter without a protective cover. It deserves special attention 'Little Joe' cultivar with pink tiny flowers. The height varies between 90-120 cm.

solidago hybrid

Varieties of plants are striking in their diversity. We have included in the flower bed 'Goldstrahl' variety. Plant height does not exceed 1 meter, length paniculate inflorescences is not more than 20 cm.

The flowers are golden in color with a yellow tint. It begins to bloom in early autumn. Duration of flowering is about 40 days.

For Solidago fit well lighted areas and penumbra. It is resistant to freezing temperatures. Unpretentious to the soil, but the most comfortable feeling in heavy wet soil in a shady location.

Solidago hybrid blooms in September and October
Solidago hybrid blooms in September and October

Astra shrub

The representative of many years of plant species with branched stems, which reach a height of about 0.5 m. The leaves of rich green, oblong.

Inflorescences collected in the plates, flowers, light purple, sometimes white. flowering period is the end of summer and beginning of autumn.

This variety of asters is resistant to frost. Not feeling well in hot areas, on very wet ground. He likes fertile, alkaline earth. It tolerates sun. It needs making fertilizing during the growing season. In dry weather they need timely watering. Astra shrub susceptible to disease which is called powdery mildew. If the summer was cold and rainy, this has a negative effect on flowering plants.


Perennial herbaceous plant with large inflorescences. Among gardeners demand variety with pale pink and raspberry-pink flowers. There are also plants with white, lilac and purple flowers.

The composition advantageously looked 'Helmut' cultivar with pink flowers. Pleases smart flowering during the autumn.

From snow to snow

Now it's time to find out what changes await our flower garden for the season. We remind you that all of its beauty composition opens in the fall.


Complementing spring and summer flower bulbs, plants melkolukovichnymi as crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils and decorative bows, your composition will look spectacular, not only autumn.


Impressive look leaves gray-green and purple inflorescences ochitnika who appear in all their glory in the late summer.

In July and August, amidst beautiful green bushes advantageous to look voluminous pink inflorescences stevia 'Little Joe'. Astra 'Wood's Purple' pleases lush flowering in late summer, early autumn.

Autumn and winter

From September to October, flowering takes over the baton 'Goldstrahl'. The plant tends to take an active proliferation of so dividing the bush will have to carry out every 3-4 years. Under winter ground part shortened to 15 cm.

In late autumn, a very nice look faded inflorescences stevia, which are painted in a silvery-white color. When the flowering period is completed, all the old buds to be removed.

Share bushes can be in the spring or in late August. Often, however, to carry out such actions is not recommended, because the plant can boast durability. Overgrown shrub looks more spectacular than the plant that were planted recently.

Ochitnik appreciate beautiful buds before the first snow. When the plant turns 5-6 years, it is necessary to carry out its rejuvenation by dividing the bush. Such manipulations can be performed in spring or autumn.

In the fall of millet leaves 'Shenandoah' painted in red tones. Astra 'Wood's Purple' continues to bloom until the first snow. In adult plants shoots are sitting pretty hard on the back side, 6-7-year-old bush has a 9 dozen stems. Over time, the bush is formed bump, child shoots not in power to survive the winter, resulting in a culture dies. Therefore, once in 2-3 years after cutting the stems asters need to cover a layer of mulch in the form of mixtures based on peat and compost in equal parts

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