Why an apple tree in bloom, but do not bear fruit?

  • Dec 24, 2019

Apple Tree is a leading pome fruits. Almost every gardener is familiar with the methods of its breeding and rearing, but sometimes it does not please the owners violent flowering, and a rich harvest. With what it can be connected and what measures to take? The reasons that a fruit tree blossoms active, but not fruits, can be very different. Often this is due to improper planting, weather conditions, lack of pollinator varieties.

Apple tree blossoms
Apple tree blossoms

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Improper planting apple trees

Before you plant an apple tree, you need to find a suitable place. Experienced gardeners recommend to provide protection from the north wind. As a final fit of the wall of a house, a fence.

You need to know about the groundwater level in the gardening area. For vigorous varieties they must be no closer than 2 meters from the ground surface, for a dwarf enough 1.5 m. Be planted seedling need in an open area, which is perfectly illuminated by the sun. It is not recommended that it stagnate melt, rain or irrigation water. It must have a flat surface must be free of depressions and elevations. The soil should be well fertilize with special preparations. Organic fertilizer is taken in an amount of 3-5 kg ​​m2, and mineral dressing require 1 tbsp. per m2.

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During planting need to make sure that the root collar (the transition region of the roots in the trunk) was not too in-depth into the ground. It is better that it was at ground level or above it rose by 1 cm. If it deepen, it can affect the fruiting wood.

If we talk about the site of implantation, it is 5-7 above the root collar. it should be left at that distance from the surface of the ground. Deepen do not, otherwise perish tree. Many gardeners allow the common mistake. They are in a hurry and produce planting trees at an angle. This can affect the speed of the accession process in the plant fruiting.

To align the wood necessary to drive the metal rod on the side opposite the slope, and by rubber pieces thrown over it, straighten plant. Then you tie it to a strong peg. This will help keep the tree upright. 5-6 years is necessary to untie the rope.

The three-year apple tree. Blooms, but not fruits
The three-year apple tree. Blooms, but not fruits

The apple tree was too young

Among the gardeners there are those who, after landing apple expect its rapid flowering and fruiting. Rush things meaningless. Often, even those apple trees that bloom, bear fruit long after the first flowering. At the initial stage, they needed to find the root system and aboveground part to get stronger in the place where they are planted.

First Tree "will test" begins flowering and fruiting. With each passing year the harvest will be plentiful. Not to expect the impossible from the tree in the first year after planting, you need to check with the seller, how many years have to wait until the tree starts to actively produce fruit. Modern varieties of apple delight fruits already 4 years, but can bloom for 1-2 years before.

It happens so that the tree can not bear fruit 7-8 years and are actively bloom. Acquired a stock depends largely on the time when the apple tree begins to bear fruit. Rootstock is a wild apple. He is the seed and clonal: tall, medium, semi-dwarf and dwarf.

Seed carts used amateur gardeners. Moreover there is a very simple explanation is fairly easy to sow the seeds, seedlings and wait to get a crop of about 10 years. The tree will be quite high, first develop roots and aerial parts. To begin to bloom it will require deep placement of groundwater (2 m).

When the apple tree grafted on clonal stocks, in particular sredneroslye, satisfied with the first harvest is possible in 3-5 years after a tree landing. As for the semi-dwarf, the first fruits appear in a few years. In the case of the lowest dwarf trees, which are not sufficiently developed root system, the crop can be harvested after 2-3 years.

By purchasing the apple tree, do not always have confidence in its exact age. Often sellers overstate it with a view to quickly sell the product or give the usual apple of wildings. The latter can be identified by a gray-purple leaves and spikes at the bottom of the shoots. These points must be considered before purchasing.

apple flowers
apple flowers

The abundance of nitrogen in the soil

Excessive or inadequate fertilization may be the reason that the tree will begin to bloom luxuriantly, but give the fruit will not. Often, this happens when the introduction of large doses of fertilizers containing nitrogen. Their overabundance leads to the active development of plants, it blooms, but not a positive impact on fruiting. To solve the problem is simple: for several years, to fertilize the soil is not necessary.

Amazed flower buds

Color kidneys can be damaged due to frost and weevil activity. If we talk about the impact of freezing temperatures, keep the kidney is not easy. When a tree does not bloom, but the leaves are blooming, it indicates that it has responded to the unexpected thaw in the winter.

When the reproductive buds began to wake up, their deaths occurred, and after the temperature in winter stabilized, leaf buds, which are more resistant to winter temperature shock, We survived. Sometimes it happens that the flower buds of apple trees are destroyed under the influence of the age of frost, when the first they bloom, but after the onset of freezing temperatures the flowers are damaged and do not expect a harvest accounts. You can try to make an effort to save the flowers, but hopes for a favorable outcome is not always possible.

To increase the air temperature in the garden where the trees blossom and overtook frost help flue fires. They need to ignite around the perimeter of the site. Then it is necessary to construct huge piles of no dry straw or similar material which does not burn when ignited, and smoldering. The fire would have to constantly maintain. So, the garden will always be filled with smoke.

This method of raising the temperature sufficiently effective, but it requires significant physical effort - to stay in the garden will always have. Such manipulations should perform when there is no wind, otherwise the smoke would be blown out of the garden, and it will not bring the desired result.

It is also possible to carry out fine-dispersed tree irrigation in small drops of water from a hose, to which is attached a special nozzle. Thus, water droplets will freeze on the flowers, and will give them warmth. Protect the tree from the weevil, which eat away the contents of the flower, you can use insecticides. Recourse to the first treatment is necessary before the buds unfold, the second and subsequent after they bloom.

At the initial stage it is possible to connect more sparing drugs. Suitable 2 Bordeaux mixture or 3 ny bluestone. On the trunks of trees can be placed trapping zone, pheromone traps. If these methods are not effective, you can use insecticides with aggressive composition. These tools should be used according to instructions.

Apple orchard
Apple orchard

No apple-pollinator varieties

Many gardeners for several years, can only enjoy the flowering apple trees. About the harvest is not the question. This is due to the fact that the plot was planted one variety of apple trees, and tree-pollinator is not provided, so there is nothing to pollinate the flowers.

The stigma is not pollinated, not germinate, and therefore there is no ovaries fruits. To apple tree pollinate it is mandatory to plant in the garden a few modern varieties that bloom at the same time.

If the site can not boast of a large area, to carry out grafting can stalk growing in the crown of the tree. In this case, the grown branch will act as pollinators. Hoping for a positive result should not be, as the pollen may not be enough, and the harvest will not wealthy.

There is one simple way that will stimulate the fruit set. Wood to be treated with boric acid. The drug can be purchased at the pharmacy. Pour the entire bottle means into a bucket of water which is at room temperature. Spray composition suitable sprayer. To be processed all the flowers. Per tree leaves approximately half a bucket of liquid. If the age of the apple is more than 5 years, the amount of solution can be doubled.

Incorrect cutting or Forming crown

At the end should touch the issue of improper trimming and the forming of apple trees. Some gardeners immediately after planting the tree begin to actively remove shoots. This leads to an imbalance of the root system and aboveground parts. Each year the plant is trying to normalize the balance, increasing vegetative mass. During this period, it can blossom, but please fruits. All color is actively resets.

And gardeners are such that the secateurs by a cut growths kolchatki, kopets. According to them, it deviated shoots, impeding the development of the tree. Such actions taboo, since on these branches are formed a large number of fruits. After such manipulations apple take time to move away from the shock. Of course, it will bloom, but immediately throw flowers and send all forces to restore the fruit-bearing branches, cut the inexperienced gardener.

At the time of pruning is important to conduct a thorough inspection of the crown and remove tops that grow straight up. They pulled out of the tree nutrients. In some cases, they may bloom, but expect fruiting can not be soon, because it will require a certain time. These tops should be cut to the ring or turn down some of the corners, which are close to straight. The next year, they will be able to harvest. Taking into account the recommendations on how to strengthen the active fruiting apple trees, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest from year to year.

How many of your apple?

1-3 (Put in comments 1)
3-5(Put in comments 2)
5-7(Put in comments 3)
7-10(Put in comments 4)
more than 10(Put in comments 5)

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