Many people like these plants due to their nodding blooms. However, if it can be so - it is determined by many factors. For example, competent to fertilize with the required amount of nutrients. Let's examine the top five feedings. Most of the article - the beneficial folk remedies that many have successfully used.
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Liquid mineral dressing
The same feed crops for their lush flowering? This method is the easiest and quickest. Sold special bottles with the corresponding inscriptions (for example, "To violets"). Purchase them and prepare it according to the recommendations of its use (watering culture at the root). Foliage plants are not sprayed, as it is covered with bristles.
Are popular tools such as "Fusco", "Kemira" and others. Minerals they contain in the required amount for the violets. In the abundance of them - phosphorus and potassium, which are needed for a lush, long and beautiful flowering.
banana skin
It contains a large amount of manganese and potassium, this is valuable for florists. These materials improve the quality of flowering and overall culture. This way of fertilizer is safe and does not lead to the spread of mosquitoes (contrary to popular opinion). Prepare and use fertilizer wisely.
Take a fresh one banana peel and cover with water. Put in a warm place for a few days. Then pour the plant (pre-wet the soil).
sweet water
Most of you know: it is necessary to add sugar to the water, the flowers were as long as possible. A very useful substance for cultures is glucose, which is part of the sugar. So, use this method.
Young violet, which increases the foliage, especially in need of sugar. Before the plant will bloom, this popular method is also useful. It is necessary to mix in a liter of water one small spoonful of sugar and pour culture under the root system. Use sugar water for additional forage is not more than once every thirty days.
Black tea
There is a piece of advice: put the tea leaves asleep on the soil in the container. We do not recommend using a similar method: on the ground can divorce mold may appear midges. However, black tea is a valuable feed up to flowering plants.
Use it as follows:
- Dig into the ground tea leaves, violet when you repot. The decomposition process is slow, stand out organic and mineral substances.
- welding fortress should be average. Pour a brewing culture, this will keep it in good shape.
Feeding is usually conducted without iodine. However, it is useful to the violets:
- improving metabolism;
- stimulate green growth;
- will bloom profusely;
- painting will be more vibrant.
In the wild culture can get iodine from the environment. At room conditions iodine can not act in the required quantities.
In the spring and summer (two times during the year) to carry out feeding violets iodine, one drop should be diluted in three liters of settled water. Do not make a greater concentration, be careful not to apply the damage to the plants.
This and many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.
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