In crowded conditions, but not offended - a successful combination of cultures in one greenhouse

  • May 02, 2021

"A wonderful neighbor has settled in our house!" - Edita Piekha sang. The same can be said about greenhouses in which various vegetable crops grow.

Greenhouse with plants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Greenhouse with plants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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If the garden area is small, and the owners set up only one greenhouse, trying to plant the maximum possible number of crops there, several rules must be observed.

This approach is justified. Often the space under the tomatoes remains free, and some crops are located there. If you follow the rules of crop rotation, you can use compacted plantings in the greenhouse.

Pros of combined landings

Before planting different crops in one greenhouse, carefully study their properties and features, compatibility.

"In tight quarters, but not offended" - and compacted landings have a number of advantages.

  • The soil is constantly involved - it is regularly cultivated, cultivated and nourished;
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  • some crops help each other and contribute to the fastest ripening;
  • saving time and labor costs - one area is processed, and there are many crops;
  • rational use of the soil;
  • the risk of a deficiency of nutrients in the soil decreases - different plants contribute something of their own;
  • the yield increases - the area is less, and the fruits - more.
It is important to remember that before planting, it is necessary to study the timing of planting crops and be sure to regularly feed the soil by doubling the amount of fertilizing.

Thoughtful neighborhood

Compaction is good, but you need to be extremely careful when planting crops. If the rules of a convenient neighborhood are not followed, some plants can suppress others, take away from each other other useful trace elements, as well as infect their neighbors with diseases, and sometimes exchange pests. As a result, the plants will stagnate and get sick, and the yield will drop sharply and run the risk of being left without the cherished fruits.

Greenhouse with plants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

So, in the same greenhouse, peppers get along well with tomatoes. These are two tall shrubs, under which you can plant more plants. This can be onions, parsley, or salad. But here dill will be completely superfluous. And the eggplant will become an unwanted guest in the tomato and pepper greenhouse. Make sure that the plants grow harmoniously together, and not compete with each other.

Determine which crops are primary in the greenhouse and which are secondary. Additional plants should respond positively to the environmental conditions that are created for the main crops, and be prepared for irrigation and fertilization regimes.

The most democratic are beans, radishes and lettuce. They will get along with all crops that are planted in greenhouses. Onions and garlic are also loyal.

Use the space rationally, combining crops in one greenhouse, and a good harvest!

Do you know which plants are best to plant in one greenhouse?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read also: Secrets of competent tomato care