Kids-burly: the top 15 low-growing plants for the alpine slide and rockeries

  • Dec 24, 2019

Before the plants in the rockery is not an easy task. They should enhance the beauty of the stones, not closing them, and without distracting the focus. It is important to withstand the tough conditions look good and treat perennials.

Creating rockeries - not an easy task. It is not enough to load a pile of stones and to plant between them that turned up under the arm. If the plants do not take root and will look out of place in the composition, to violate its integrity, it is necessary to disassemble the fruit of long toil and collect again. To avoid this, plan the alpine hill is necessary in advance to select carefully "residents" and their placement.

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Arabis and Aubrieta

Plants create a continuous flowering cover. Arabis has higher stalks and large inflorescences, Aubrieta at all the same thing, but smaller. Variety of colors opens up scope for creativity. Choose a uniform white, blue carpets or blotches of pink, purple, lilac.

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Enjoy the blooms can be during April and May. If the plants were well looked after and will present warm weather in September, bright colors will appear in early autumn.

Bloom and arabis and Aubrieta begin in the second year after planting. They can be propagated by seeds or seedlings are planted in the ground - does not affect the timing of flowering mode.

Care is simple.It will need to make a double-complex mineral fertilizer and supplementary irrigation in the dry season. Also useful is mulching.


Present decoration rockeries - bright eye-catching colors deep blue. You can also find yellow and purple, but rarely, and they are not so beautiful. In general, plants picky, require different soils depending on the variety, but you need to care mulching and drainage before planting. Gentian does not like the excess moisture, but the roller coaster is, it does not threaten. Fertilizer need at least - once a year.

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Gentian is propagated by seeds and cuttings, division of adult bushes possible.

A huge plus plants - flowering throughout spring and autumn period, so the plant is found in most of the rockeries and loved by gardeners.


Another habitue stony compositions. Extremely unpretentious, does not require serious care, she likes poor soils and is easy to tolerate lack of moisture, sun and shade. With growing saxifrage can handle even a child. It can be propagated by division of bushes or seeds.

In saxifrage There are several varieties, all of them are up to 25 centimeters, bloom profusely traditional white or rarer crimson, pink, purple buds.

Before buying it is important to study the features of cultivation of the variety.


An ideal choice truckers rarely visiting his farm. Bluebell looks simple, but large enough to bloom for a long time (up to 5 cm) color from white to blue hue, easily transfers heat and drought, needs no additional watering (except for very severe cases) and dressing.

An additional advantage - self-seed propagation. Bell is able to settle down even in the toughest conditions - under rocks, where nothing else will grow.

Solomon's Seal

lily of the valley lovers will enjoy this enhanced version of the gentle, handsome. Solomon's Seal growing conditions require similar: shadow, forest soil, tillage, drainage. Plant can be propagated by dividing the bush or the rhizome segments. It is noteworthy that with proper care flower growing independently, it can seat.

Solomon's Seal does not tolerate excess moisture, but need adequate watering is necessary. Feeding is not required.


Bloodroot is very similar to its sister "night blindness", but low growing shrubs, blooms profusely bright yellow, pink, red, orange with small buds.

Propagated vegetatively and by seed. Loves the sun, not fastidious for soil, requires moderate watering, does not like drought.

Potentilla planning a landing in a flower bed, it is important to ensure that the selected grade of not forming the whip - plant can cover the entire allotted area and become a weed.


Succulent Mediterranean - a frequent resident rockeries and alpine gardens. The forms a dense carpet, produces a lasting impression within three years. It feels great on poor sandy calcareous soils. Additional irrigation does not require of fertilizer - mineral, and only once a year.

Important!Propagated rejuvenated best division, because the plant tends to hybridized.


Fescue looks great company with stones. It cereals, it is easy to adapt to any conditions, so in rockeries take root easily and feels great.

Propagated seeds or dividing the bush. It features high speed growths, so the one Bush will soon have a carpet.

Fescue likes mulching and fertilizer, but without them feels fine.

Stonecrops (sedum)

Stonecrops ideal for rockeries. Plants do not care about the degree of light and soil composition. Only with a strong lack of light stems begin to stretch. Bushes grow to half a meter in diameter, may be seated. Another method of reproduction - aerial roots, abundant emerging on young shoots.

Stonecrops are red, white, blue and yellow. The drought require additional watering, like organic fertilizers and thorough weeding.


Primula - a wonderful bright flower growing out of the ground with the first warm rays. It is for early flowering plant is especially appreciated by gardeners. There are many varieties of primroses and colors - you can choose your favorite and combine, creating a bizarre composition.

Primula absolutely undemanding to care, it feels great in any soil without fertilizer and additional irrigation. Plant - a true ascetic, hardened their family hardship.


Son-grass - a resident of the arid steppes, so he loves the sun, a minimum of moisture. The flowers are deep purple with white, purple, pink, red.

A distinctive feature of lumbago - modification throughout the season. Spring plant blooms, then landing decorate graceful dark green leaves, to cold acquiring a reddish hue.

The chamber does not like transplanting, but the one bush can live for up to two decades.


Large varieties of grouse are not suitable for rock gardens, but the dwarf will look original and appropriate. The plant prefers sunny side, like moisture, easily withstand winter cold.

Lead grouse begins three years after planting. Bushes grow actively, so needed in the division.

creeping phlox

Phlox bloom in spring, forming a gorgeous bouquets. Dwarf varieties are ideal for alpine located on shaded areas. Plants are unpretentious, but quickly lose their aesthetic and even die in the scorching sun.

Phlox grow rapidly in autumn bushes are divided and transplanted.

Edelweiss Alpine

The plant blooms throughout the summer, but its main advantage is silvery leaves. For edelweiss can take the top of a roller coaster, because he loves the sun and does not require much moisture.

The plant is lost in the background of other neighbors, so it's best to give him the opportunity to grow in solitude or in the company with grasses. Easily propagated by dividing the bush.


Ephedra - shrubs, conifers. But to carry it to class this appearance is very difficult. Want to decorate unusual hill "residents" - choose ephedra.

Long thin leaves of the plant seem to be a visitor from another planet. Flowering his unremarkable, but then appear bright red fruit - a real decoration on bright green background.

Ephedra is easy to tolerate Dry likes plenty of sun and poor rocky soil. In a further watering needs only drought, and in moderate quantities. The only condition - loosening the soil and the composition of the monitoring.

It is noteworthy that ephedra is able to change hue depending on the growing conditions, even lighting affects the color of the leaves.

Combinations of plants with stones do not look only at the Alpine hills, but just in different corners of the infield

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