Framing the beds with their hands Tips gardeners

  • Dec 24, 2019

Vegetable beds edging protects plants from wind and rain erosion of the soil and makes it difficult to access them pests. And besides, garden edging trim significantly improves the overall appearance of the garden.

framing beds
framing beds

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Does not protect vegetable beds structures of the building materials used. They are usually treated with chemicals and often contain harmful to the soil and vegetable matter.

Protection and decoration

Low fences and hedges form a beautiful garden edging flower beds, and protecting them from the wind, improves the microclimate here. In addition, they protect the feet from the landing scattered households and accidentally abandoned children's balls.

As a green framing the beds are best low hedges of privet or boxwood. If your choice has fallen on a box, purchase its slow-growing varieties, such as 'Suffruticosa'. The bed will look more decorative if its corners decorate globular trimmed boxwood shrubs.

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The bed will be doubly useful if it is to enclose a hedge of the kitchen herbs or aromatic dwarf shrubs. Parsley, onions and other plants of the spicy "fence" has always come in handy in the kitchen and will scare away their smell pests - aphids, caterpillars and even snails and slugs. Spring hairstyle will allow you to create a neat fence out of wormwood, santolina, winter savory, hyssop and lavender. Such hedges can be trimmed and not - in which case it will need more space.

For 30 minutes, you can:

  • Set protective fence by slugs of finished parts around the beds of 1.2 x 2 m. Dig this groove depth of about 10 cm, and set the angular and longitudinal then elements.

Wicker and bricks: the ideal edging garden

Living fences vegetable beds not only require regular pruning and care - they take up much space, and thus, reduces the space allotted vegetable crops.

It is much more economical in this respect edging of stone, wood or metal. For quick framing the beds are great oblique dug into the earth bricks, low fences of willow twigs, logs and even thin aluminum strips. On sale you can find ready-made fences, cast iron - they just need to stick to the ground, and tall plants can even use them as a prop.

To improve the microclimate in the vegetable garden of using stones and wood - materials that have been known to the high heat capacity. Especially high ability to accumulate heat have stones: in the afternoon, they are heated in the sun, and at night give off heat slowly, heating a bed. Therefore more durable edging stone creates a particularly favorable conditions for the growth and development of thermophilic cultures, saving them from even light night frost.

Wicker and bricks: the ideal edging garden
Wicker and bricks: the ideal edging garden

We should not forget about another important function of framing the beds: it promotes the retention of soil in place during heavy rain.

Protection against slugs

If the wet summer, the garden - especially the younger vegetables - can greatly suffer from slugs. Sometimes, for they can destroy all the plants overnight. Protect the vegetables from these pests can be a variety of ways. On sale there are special fences, not giving voracious animals to climb on the bed. Usually they are low plastic or metal strips with greatly bent and pointed upper edge (see. photo above). After installation of the barrier, make sure that it does not lie in any of the plants that slugs can be used as a bridge in the garden. In addition, carefully inspect the flower bed, and make sure that it does not remain slugs.

Protection against slugs
Protection against slugs

One of the most effective ways to combat slugs, and to this day remains their removal from the hands of plants after rain. Collect pests in a bucket of water, where they drowned.

Finished plastic edging beds set a much faster and easier than to build it yourself framing of stone or wood. They look much neater, and in addition, do not interfere with the mower - it It will save you about 10 minutes by mowing along the edges of each 10 m beds.

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