7 best potato varieties

  • Dec 24, 2019

To obtain a healthy potato crop, you need to prepare for spring planting healthy seeds that will be resistant to various fungal diseases. The defeat of the scab - common virus. Diseases of tubers exposed themselves, on the above-ground parts of infected potato scab or not is impossible to understand. Damage to potato tubers begin with a small circle of 5-8 mm in diameter, which are gradually connected with each other and potatoes changes its external form. Eaten like potatoes can be, but she is not subject to long-term storage, as well as the impact on the quantity and quality of the crop of the future harvest. Therefore, you need time to take all protective measures to prevent the virus and create all the conditions under which the scab will not be distributed.

To obtain a healthy potato crop, you need to prepare for spring planting healthy seeds
To obtain a healthy potato crop, you need to prepare for spring planting healthy seeds

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Potato varieties, "Alyona"

"Alain," attracted the attention of ripening - 45-50 days, which allows farmers to harvest 2 times over the summer and put the goods on a market stall. Potatoes do not need special care. Suitable for growing in cold climates. Murphy oval shaped, thin pink kozhurki and middle-sized eyes, starch content varies from 15 to 17%, cream-colored pulp. Due to the rapid ripening is not exposed to diseases, fungi and pests, including scab. Characterized by high yield (per 1 ha to 300 kg). Each potato reaches a weight of 200 grams. Well maintained.

Alain Potato Variety
Alain Potato Variety

Potato varieties, "Snow White"

This is the sort of potato, which is undemanding in care, while ripening to 80 days. It is considered middle-early variety. Like "Snow White" for mnogoklubnevost, good keeping quality. Light yellow peel, tubers oval shape, with white flesh, root weight to 120 c. Plant in April - May, and harvested in July and August, with 1Q. m. to give 3 kg. Resistant to various diseases, including nematode, scab and cause cancer.

Potato varieties, "Snow White"
Potato varieties, "Snow White"

Grade potatoes "Bronnitsky"

Bred in 1989 Bronnitsky potato belongs to the middle-grade. It has a pleasant flavor and excellent taste. the maturation period is 80 days. Small oval smooth roots with numerous eyes. The flesh is light yellow color, becomes crisp when cooked. Yield 3.5-4.0 kg per m sq. Easy to transport. It is excellent, and is stored in the winter. The variety is resistant to dry weather, bacterial diseases, viruses, scab, but often affected Rhizoctonia and nematodes. It needs feeding fertilizers.

Grade potatoes "Bronnitsky"
Grade potatoes "Bronnitsky"

Potato varieties, "Zhukovsky early"

Popular variety "Zhukovsky early" is considered one of the most popular and well-known varieties of the Russian selective screening. Due to its rapid maturation - 45 days of amateur gardeners, especially the southern regions of Russia, choose "Zhukovsky", as this potato variety has time to ripen for 2 times during the summer. Pink krugloovalnye tubers grow up to 100 grams. When cooking do not fall apart, it has a slightly sweet taste. It has a good harvest, regardless of climatic conditions.

Potato varieties, "Zhukovsky early"
Potato varieties, "Zhukovsky early"

High resistance to various viral diseases: cancer, potato cyst nematode, scab and others, in addition to late blight.

Grade potatoes "Lasunok"

Lasunak (Lasunok) potato variety, bred in Belarus, in truth, is considered to be a favorite with gardeners grade rather late ripening - from 90 to 130 days and the largest tuber up to 200 grams, have a light yellow color in. cobweb. The flesh is light. Among the "his brothers" has excellent taste and high yield in any soil. It contains up to 22% starch, potassium, beneficial for the heart. The structure of "Lasunka" also include phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin C, which is retained when observing the cooking process. Resistant to virtually all kinds of fungal and viral diseases. To increase the yield of this variety, cook potatoes for a few weeks before planting, allow it to grow at home. The only drawback in this class - a small shelf life.

Grade potatoes "Lasunok"
Grade potatoes "Lasunok"

Grade potatoes "Resource"

Mid-grade resource grows on the territory of Ukraine, Moldova and Russia. "Resource" is selected for its stable yield. Suitable for planting in the ground, where there were perennial herbs. the ripening period is 80-85 days. White pulp inside a light beige skin outside, has an oval shape, tuber weight is 100 - 135 c. The average yield of up to 4.0 kg with one sq.m. It has good taste and well-kept. Easy to tolerate drought and heat. Very rarely affected scab, but is susceptible to late blight.

Grade potatoes "Temp"

Late variety "Temp" launched in Belarus, the maturation period varies from 120 to 140 days. Popular due yield (1 m - 550 n), potatoes has a rounded planar shape, whose mass is 200 grams. Pulp - cream color with excellent taste, the presence of starch is 16 - 22%. It maintained until the summer and has ductile. Resistant to late blight and cancer, but srednevospriimchiv to scab. Variety versatile.

Grade potatoes "Temp"
Grade potatoes "Temp"

Currently, there are hundreds of different varieties of potatoes. And each has its own pros and cons. Therefore, when landing pay heed to planting materials and the choice of soil to favorite vegetable is not subjected to such common diseases like scab.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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