How to cook perfect rice crisp, not agglomerated cake

  • Dec 24, 2019

Rice porridge - tasty and satisfying, it can be used both as a garnish or as the main course (as pilaf, for example). However, many housewives give up its preparation because of the desired crumbly food eventually get stuck together rice cake strange consistency.

This unpleasant surprise is due to the fact that rice contains a large amount of starch, which glues risinki into one. In this article I will tell you how to cook perfect rice crispBecause I know that many housewives, this information will be of interest.

So where better to start cooking rice?

Of course, with the selection of suitable, for that matter, utensils. Pan should not be enameled as crisp rice in it clearly will not work - at best then you have to settle for the sticky homogeneous mass, and at worst - to scrub away her burnt remains of bottom.

Another important point - the amount of water. If you follow the proportion of water and cereals 1: 1, then your work will simply doomed to success - rice is saturated with moisture and retain its shape.

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Be sure to rinse rice before cookingTo wash it with starch because it is attached and the finished dish viscosity. Change the water in the washing process groats at least three times, until it becomes crystalline.

And, finally, another important condition for a good rice - after croup boils, it in no event it is impossible to mixOr you will get a matted mass.

It is also recommended to leave the rice to "rest" after cooking - will be enough only 15 minutes to risinki well seized and are not stuck together. Cook rice only simmered, though it will take a little more time - so you'll have a excellent side dish that quickly "fly" off the table.

Well, if you have been on these important nuances know, or maybe you've heard about them for the first time? Even so, I suggest you now test your knowledge in practice - sure from the very first attempt your rice will turn out just perfect!

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