An effective method of cultivating tomatoes in containers without a bottom

  • Dec 13, 2020
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At the end of the last century, many gardeners used the method of growing tomatoes in buckets. Then everyone forgot about this option, remembered it again about a decade ago and began to use it. This method has its disadvantages and advantages. The advantages include the saving of land for cultivation and the absence of weeding. However, not all types of tomatoes can be planted in buckets. And not every container is suitable for this.

Growing tomatoes in barrels. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Growing tomatoes in barrels. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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Method advantages

Cultivating tomatoes in bottomless buckets has several advantages:

  • Crops can be moved: hide from direct sunlight, hail, heavy rains.
  • Bushes develop faster, the roots become strong, the stems are strengthened better, and the sugar content of vegetables increases.
  • With this method, there is no need to choose a planting site.
  • The soil in the container warms up much faster than on the site itself. The sprouts can be planted earlier and the tomatoes ripen faster.
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  • Tomatoes are practically not exposed to various diseases.
  • Weeds hardly grow in the soil.

In galvanized and enameled buckets in hot weather, the root system of tomatoes overheats. the container must be kept in the shade.

The disadvantage is that the land cannot be used twice. It will have to be changed before the next cultivation.

What is required for planting tomatoes

For tomatoes, it is necessary to create favorable conditions, similar to garden ones, in order for them to grow and develop well.

To plant seedlings of green crops in buckets, prepare:

  • Tara.
  • The soil.
  • Rotten fertilizer.
  • Drainage (small pebbles, gravel, expanded clay).
  • Organic matter: grass, manure, dry leaves.
Growing tomatoes in barrels. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Suitable types of tomatoes

All types of tomatoes are cultivated in containers.

If they are to be grown in garden plots, use the undersized Cherry variety.

Use tall indeterminate crops for greenhouse planting.

What containers can be used and their preparation

You can grow tomatoes in any 10-liter container. This volume will allow the root system to freely develop and nourish the culture.

containers should be similar in shape to buckets. You can buy them in the store or use what you have on the farm:

  • tubs or tubs made of wood;
  • ordinary buckets;
  • plastic containers.

Tomatoes do not care which container they are in, but do not use black buckets, otherwise the roots of the plants may overheat in hot weather. A dark container can be wrapped in a white cloth.

Containers made of plastic and wood tend to split from sudden temperature changes and prolonged exposure to hot sunlight. Metallic is used much longer.

You need to prepare buckets like this:

  • Rinse selected containers.
  • Make holes in the bottom for the liquid to flow out.
  • First, lay a small drainage layer of 2-3 cm.
  • Then fill in the soil.
  • Loosen the ground and sprinkle with water at room temperature.
Put the prepared buckets in the greenhouse, if possible, constantly sprinkle with snow.

It will be better if instead of soil you pour soil mixture. If you cannot cook it yourself, use a store-bought one.

The potting mix consists of:

  • turf land;
  • humus or peat;
  • wood ash;
  • dry weed;
  • mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, manganese, urea).

Take all ingredients in equal proportions, mix and spill with manganese in the amount of 1 g per 10 liters of liquid.

Correct planting of tomatoes

Sprouts can be planted in May:

  • Make a hole 15 cm deep, put in any growth stimulant.
  • Lower the sprout into the hole and cover with soil to the lower leaves.
  • Tamp and water the soil.

Place just one sprout in the bucket.

Tomatoes. Illustration for the article is used from

Plant care

Plants in containers do not need to be hilled. With this growing method, tomatoes hardly get sick. If late blight appears on leaves and vegetables, do the following:

  • Feed with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.
  • Treat with Bordeaux liquid.
  • After seven days, pour a solution of 10 liters of liquid, three grams of potassium permanganate, liquid soap and 200 g of chopped garlic.

The method of cultivating tomatoes in a bucket without a bottom is an excellent solution for areas with poor, infertile soil, as well as for small beds. To obtain a bountiful harvest of tomatoes, you do not need to look for free space for planting.

Do you like growing tomatoes?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

You can also read about caring for tomatoes in the following article:Do I need to pick leaves from tomatoes