I am harboring a fig for the winter! Region: Rostov Region

  • Dec 24, 2019
Author photo - October 2019
Author photo - October 2019

Good day, dear guests and fans channel!

As previously written, I am in the autumn of 2017 started growing figs, which was dedicated to the two articles on my channel:

1. "Figs. My experience growing up. Frost grade to -35 ° C. "

2. Figs in the apartment or on the site? It's simple!

Already the middle of November 2019, - the time to harbor figs! Last autumn crop is harvested in late October, and now proceed to the fence device. Age bush - 2 years, it is not small, but still not great - but the frame has impressive size, can not imagine what will happen next year!

Since the species carries -35 ° C, the structure do not for the purpose of insulation, but only to protect the plant from frost and frost wind.

That night the temperature dropped to -4 ° C, figs abruptly dropped leaves that I saw in the morning.

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I broke nevyzrevshie fruit and began to build a framework to hide the plant.

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Frame do so to protect the provetrivaemost design, so I leave the top hole.

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As the sail is large, that the frame is not overturned by the wind, the design of the corners attach metallic stakes driven into the ground.

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Done! Because figs are very fragile plant - it is important that neither the frame nor the material does not put pressure on branches, or under the pressure of the wind can damage the plant.

There is also a way to cover a fig on top - clutching branches to the ground, but it is suitable only in the case if the plant initially was planted at an angle of 35 ° -45 ° to the land cover.

Thanks for attention! Good luck to everyone and good!


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