How to hack Wi-Fi

  • Dec 24, 2019

If you think that this is a screenshot of a router interface D-Link, you're wrong. This is a screenshot of forgery of its interface, generated by the program hacking Wi-Fi.

I read the article, how to use special programs and social engineering hack Wi-Fi. It's pretty simple.

With the help of a powerful Wi-Fi adapter-attacker creates a Wi-Fi network with exactly the same name as the network of the victim, but without protection. This network "scores" the original and the smartphone or the victim's computer is connected to it. Of course, he did not connect (for a network without protection). This is where social engineering is included. Calculation of the fact that the victim will think that zaglyuchil router and connect to the network manually.

And then the victim will show "Connection page". If you know what a router is a victim, it will be shown a screen similar to that screenshot which I gave above. Options in the program a lot of hacking.

If the type of router is not known, it will be shown a page that is written, "For access to the Internet, enter the Wi-Fi password."

instagram viewer

Once the victim entered a password, the fake access point is turned off and the victim will automatically connect to your router, password, which is now known by the attacker.

Moral: if suddenly your smartphone or computer is disconnected from the Wi-FI network in the networks list, you can see their network without protection, you are trying to crack. Do not connect to the network and enter your password. If this has happened to you and you enter a password, change it immediately!

P.S. I deliberately did not cite a reference to the article and the name of the hacking program, because I am writing this to to warn of possible danger, but not to someone learned how to break someone else's Wi-Fi.

© 2019 Alex Nadozhin
The main theme of my blog - Equipment for human life. I write reviews, share experiences, talk about all sorts of interesting things. My second project - I test LED lamps and help figure out which ones are good and which are not.