The steam was easy, in the Russian bath needed the right flooring

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Quality of water drainage in Russian bath depends on the quality of the selected type for bath sexes. There are two variants of the coating:

· Leaking floors;

· Leakproof floor.

Both sexes stacking method has its advantages and disadvantages. The main difference between them is the degree of complexity of installation and materials used.

leaking floors

Leaking floors provide the leakage of moisture through a special slit in the floor. After falling through the cracks, water gets into the underground space and comes out of it in the street. Flooring flowing type created from different types of wood (larch, pine, oak). Installation material includes several steps:

1. digging drainage holes for drainage. The structure of pits depends on which it is installed ground - or sandy clay;

2. creation of a timber frame: overlap pits lags pretreated antiseptic;

3. laying lags horizontally from wall to wall (not logs must not touch the walls, gaps are needed to ensure ventilation).

If the bath area exceeds the mark of 3 * 3m2, then the logs are placed on special poles. These columns are made of brick or concrete and have a cross section of 0.25 m. The distance between adjacent pillars is about 0.8 m, and the base is a layer of sand or concrete floor.

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Free space under the poles need to be strengthened in one of three materials:

· Expanded clay;

· Perlite;

· Styrofoam.

Flowing floor in the steam room installed by the following rules:

· Board fixed to the wall, which is perpendicular to the location of a log;

· Neighboring boards loosely adjacent to each other, since the clearance needed for the removal of moisture;

· Between boards located plywood pattern (width - 0.3 cm);

· To attach the boards to lag screws are used - the nails are not suitable for this task.

Laying floors in the dressing room and rest room is not intended to slots because humidity level in these areas is much lower.

leakproof flooring

Leakproof floors provide for a thermal insulation, waterproofing and vapor barrier. Compared with the previous version it is based on a complicated scheme of installation. The scheme is divided into several important steps:

1. digging a drainage pit. The bottom of the pit is covered with expanded clay, gravel or brick chips. Compacted soil;

2. pouring concrete layer thickness of 5 cm. When creating a layer is taken into account the inclination of 10 degrees towards the discharge outlet;

3. adding Ties perlitotsementa while maintaining the same inclination. When creating a warm floor is laid on the screed heater - after it dries;

4. laying a second layer of concrete of the same thickness (5 cm). To align the cement concrete is used solution;

5. processing screed via bitumastic. Mastic improved waterproofing properties floor;

6. lining of concrete foundations. The materials can be used ceramic tiles, wooden boards or plug.

Grouting connecting ceramic tiles, made with epoxy resin compositions. They prevent the appearance of fungus, which can not be said of the cement mixture.

In the steam room and washing it is recommended to use removable wooden blinds, which are installed on the main floor covering.