birch firewood
Birch used continually for firewood. The advantages of this material include:
- prolonged combustion;
- the return of a strong heat;
- pleasant aroma.
This breed is growing everywhere in the territory of Russia, but because its production does not cause problems. Availability and high quality material make it one of the most popular in the bath attendants. It will be appreciated and birch drawbacks, chief among which is a resin with copious buildup.
To prevent clogging of the chimney, it is necessary to throw a couple of aspen firewood protaplivaniya completion.
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aspen wood
Aspen is not suitable for the role of a self-sufficient material for kindling bath for several reasons:
- the logs do not give much heat;
- unable to maintain the heat for a long time;
- They have a characteristic bitter flavor, which is not to everybody's taste.
But one significant plus makes the wood indispensable in everyday life. Aspen logs remove soot from the chimney and furnace walls, making them excellent "chimney sweeps". Also, they are a natural antiseptic and is regularly used for disinfection baths. Experienced owners baths hold in reserve a little aspen wood.
alder firewood
Alder - one of the best options for lighting up the bath. Logs of this tree species combine several significant advantages:
- a good warm-up and fast return of heat;
- Cleaning the chimney in the bath due to the removal of soot;
- pleasant aroma of burning logs;
- strengthening effect on the human immune system.
Alder is used in cases when the room is heated in black. It does not pollute the chimney and is used as a preventive measure - to prevent blockages. The only disadvantage of the breed is the rapid combustion of the logs in the stove.
linden wood
Lipa is known for its healing effects on the body, and therefore is used in baths for therapeutic purposes. It is believed that lime aroma has a positive effect on the nervous system and improves mood. There are several reasons for deciding to try the lime logs:
- good return of heat;
- compatibility with other species (birch, aspen);
- effective use in igniting the furnace;
- therapeutic effect for respiratory diseases.
The disadvantages of linden wood is not fast buildup and a limited shelf life. Two years later logs storage turn into dust. Ways to extend the shelf life of this material has not yet invented.
oak firewood
Oak is considered the best material, and has no competitors among the Russian trees. From it are the highest quality and most expensive wood. This material is endowed with a whole list of benefits:
- rapid buildup of heat output and quality;
- the content of essential oils, which are filled with aroma steam bath;
- A minimum amount of ash;
- therapeutic effect on a person's lungs.
Oak logs disadvantage lies in their hardness. For harvesting of firewood takes a lot of effort. An alternative option would be to purchase logs to finished product from reliable manufacturers.