Siberian bath that's so special? The device and the furnace

  • Dec 24, 2019

As the name suggests, the Siberian bath appeared in the north of Russia. The first settlers caught in this harsh region, and brought with them the tradition of the baths built in, so the Siberian bath is quite similar to the traditional Russian. However, the culture of the north and the life of people living there have contributed to the plan features a bath, furnace and its paired room.

Siberian bath are collected from whole logs, to make the room warm as possible by the thickness of the walls. In the conditions of the thin walls of the north to quickly release all the heat. Build a bath with an ax and other traditional tools to process the logs so that they fit snugly together.

bath rooms will be small, about 4 by 4 meters. So bath warms up faster and will take longer to cool down. Dressing room fitted with large wooden benches to attend bath people can lie down full length, resting between calls in a steam room.

The bath was heated by the stove. Stones are heated well and give off heat long.

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Another feature of the Siberian bath - This dumping of soil walls. So do to the wall does not freeze on the big snowdrifts lying around the room. Soil sprinkled around the perimeter, creating a tree height of about 40 cm.

All the doors to the bath will be very small, with a high threshold and low pritolkoy. This is done to ensure that the warm air could not leave the room, and the cold did not penetrate inside.

Such features should comply if room is being built in the northern cold regions. If you live in a warm climate, then make dumping, take the thick logs Rounded logs or do a little door is not necessary.

Let's take a closer look at the oven-stove. Such a furnace is fired in black, as in a cold climate chimney illogical to output outwardly. The procedure itself is the boiler-house bath is as follows: first the stone oven heat thoroughly well, waiting for all the soot settles on the walls, floor and ceiling of the bath. After all coals will go out, and the smoke will erode, benches in the bath is rinsed with water to wash off the soot.

After water was poured onto the stove is obtained vapor cloud which quickly expel carbon dioxide from the bath. An hour later, after the burnt through coals, you can start to bathe in a bath. It may seem that she had already cool, but no. Hot stones and hot logs will be good to keep warm, so that you can bathe in the bath in several passes.

Be sure to let the coals burn completely. Willingness is understandable, seeing white patches on charcoal ashes - it means that carbon monoxide has already weathered. If you do not wait for this, then floating in the bath will be hard to breathe, someone may even become ill.

That's from Siberia came to us a tradition to run out of the bath in winter to jump into a snowbank. In addition, living in the north of people do not drink alcohol after a bath, as it can be bad for the heart.