Installation electricians in the repair of the bathroom: tips

  • Dec 26, 2019

Making repairs in the bathroom, it is important to set priorities: firstly, security, and then - aesthetics.

The fact that the entrance to this room, we turn on the light, is already talking about the fact that the wiring is here. In addition, often in bathrooms installed fans, not to mention ordinary electrical outlet for shaving.

The main rule when equipping the bathroom electrical equipment room is to use it only for high-quality wiring. Its cross-section must be sufficient to eliminate the congestion and fire.

Before the start of all actions necessary to think carefully about the future layout, all electrical equipment must be in comfortable and safe areas. In addition, such a rational approach to the problem will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses.

All electrical work must be carried out in accordance with existing standards, reflected in the specific documentation. Should not be ignored provided there restrictions on the allowable number of switches, sockets, lighting and other electrical equipment.

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In particular, such activities are regulated in such legislation as the "Rules for Electrical Installation" (PUE), as well as other technical documentation and guests.

As for the mounting plugs in the bathrooms, are allowed here only sockets and plugs RCD. Perhaps the most important factor in ensuring electrical safety in the bathroom is the possibility of child elektrotravmatizma.

Preventive measures in this situation include the installation of closed electrical outlets, and monitoring to ensure that young children are not left alone in the bathroom. With older children it is necessary to carry out the conversation, explaining the danger of electric shock.

By the degree of protection, all equipment must be 2nd grade and above, hydroprotection - not less than IP44. A risk factor is not only electrical but also metal objects, such as a bathtub.

To exclude the possibility of an accident, it is necessary to ground such objects, even in those areas where there is no electrical equipment. Of course, as soon as the ground require even bath, the more need there vseelektropribory located in the bathroom.

The minimum cross section of the grounding element according to the electrical installation standards for homes is 6 square millimeters. Use can wire for this. Such wire can be hidden under the plaster or in a specially arranged Grooves.

By the way, the use in the repair of the bathrooms wiring Rubber insulated is highly undesirable. Over time, the rubber crumbles and bared wires may complete and result in a fire wire. Therefore, the most expedient to use in bathrooms cables with plastic insulation coating.

Summing up the above, it is easy to understand that all electrical work, especially in areas with high risk of electric shock must be performed by competent persons.

Amateurish level of knowledge and lack of practical experience in this field, for self-employment is not acceptable. Therefore, undertaking repairs in the bathroom, do not resort to the services of random people, even if this implies a modest payment for labor.