How does the Russian bath: relaxation room, a steam room and a waiting room

  • Dec 24, 2019

Russian sauna - not only for cleaning but also for relaxation and getting unforgettable emotions. Few of the common people know how the Russian bath arranged? Let's see together.

Disposition Russian bath

Before you begin construction of a bath, you need to determine the number of rooms in it. Traditionally, the bath-house consists of several rooms:

  • dressing room. Many owners of the baths make it, at the same time, and a relaxation room;
  • Washing - space for intermediate washing;
  • steam room;
  • If the budget allows, you can take a place in the bath or shower;
  • restroom.

As well arranged, each of these rooms?

Waiting room

It begins with his acceptance of bath procedures. Equip him with hooks for clothes and placing benches (benches). There are two types of rooms: the warm and cold. Heat passes from the dressing room special heaters or furnace firebox derived therein.


You can spend more than one hour for a chat with friends or relatives. bath owners room is equipped with a variety of subjects:

  • table;
  • TV or tape recorder;
  • chairs (armchairs or benches);
  • refrigerator.
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And other items, able to create intimate atmosphere at the time of the bath procedures.


After the rest of the room a person gets in the car wash. Here you can arrange a shower room. The temperature in pomyvochnaya moderate. It is possible to arrange in different ways:

  • small oven;
  • shops;
  • bowls;
  • woks;
  • containers with cool water;
  • a container with hot water.
Finish washing depends on the willingness and capacity bath owner. To create comfort in her walls you can hang the bath brooms or bunches of fragrant herbs. The size of the wash room is calculated from the number of people who will visit it.

Steam Room

It is the heart of Bath. If it is undeveloped wrong, enjoy a visit to the bath will not succeed. The optimum size of the steam room, according to safety standards must be 2 * 2 meters.

Necessary and correctly placed shelves, because it affects the comfort during a visit to the steam room. It is necessary that the steam room that came out of the oven, which is responsible for the supply of steam. It can be closed by a door.

Sometimes the water is poured directly on the stones. In this case, the steam cools down much faster. Particular attention is paid to the selection of the furnace for a bath. On this depends its heating and maintenance of optimum temperature indoors.

bath arrangement of different preferences of its owner and his financial capabilities. We have examined only the traditional construction and layout of the bath. Complement its own way, guided by imagination and budget.