Neighbors across the hood smells bad? We solve this problem in the simplest way

  • Dec 24, 2019

Very often it happens that in your apartment smells bad. And we begin to look for sources of odor, rummage all around, looking for what smells so bad, and when they are not, we have a more questions.

And the answer to them lies on the surface.

That smell in the apartment from the neighbors, and enters into our apartment through the hood.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

Now the question is what to do with it?

Special services cause?

The police?

Or is there still some more quick and effective way?

The task seems daunting, we are with you will solve it quickly, efficiently and without spending money!

How do you like this idea? You think another fake? We will see!

This method works on any lattices that decorate your hood: the usual, with clasps, absolutely no difference.

Regardless of the lattice model, we first parse it, if it is disassembled or removed if not folding.

Removed, before the eyes of you free vent?

It only means that half of the things you have already done.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

In the next stage, looking at his wife in the kitchen film, let from the garbage bag from a simple package, packaging, does not matter.

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The main thing that was not too wrinkled and without holes.

Next, you need to cut a rectangular piece of it, of a size that would be at the bottom and at the top of the vent remain reserve a couple of centimeters.

At the sides can be trimmed in such a way that between the film and the vent hole remains a couple of millimeters gap.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

Then, in the frame, from the ventilation duct to adapt the cut film. Protruding from the top edge of the wrap, and the lower edge of the left in the unlocked position. Push the bottom edge is not necessary.

Fasten or pick a frame, and you're done. Smell from neighbors in your apartment is no more. When your apartment is air going out, then the film will be lifted, and not interfere with the air to escape.

When there reverse thrust, the film tightly adheres to the framework and the stench will not penetrate the air in your apartment.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

So when put everything into place, stationery knife, cut the excess protruding due to lattice film. And despite the fact that 100 percent of the return course, you can not remove, and if at least 80 per cent removed, then this would be sufficient.

So if the smell of the neighborhood apartments you are concerned, then go for it!

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