Why countryside and villages are destroyed necessarily

  • Dec 24, 2019

The village is now in a state of agony. Youth goes out, there is no work, no schools for children. There mostly pensioners live, and move there too retired. They are small, they can not save the village from extinction.

Such houses have about two dozen in the village.
Such houses have about two dozen in the village.

Why did the village have to disappear? We are told that the disappearance of the village outcome of a natural process that people want to live in a civilization... If you think, unless civilization is only in the city and in the countryside it is not? Or maybe it's different on the contrary?

Well, let's try to understand ...

Lord of the world is now on the ordinary people who want only one thing - that people consume more! They have to be dependent on the whole! People should not feel at least somewhat free! According to the masters of life, one must constantly work, and as much as possible, but the money he must always be missed, and therefore, he has to live on credit (to be in debt).

He is not allowed to engage in the education of their children. The most important person in any case, should not think about the meaning of life, why he lives and what is its purpose. According to authorities, the meaning of human life should be ONLY

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And what about the villagers?

Villagers can not be considered by consumers to think of power.

Clarified. This is not about settlements with 500 - 1200 residents. This is a considerable amount of the population. We are talking about villages where there are only 30 - 100 households. And that such settlements are destroyed in the first place.

Now we ponder why the village - not consumers.

Water villager produces himself, digging for it well or take it from the sources (springs, rivers). Drowned in the village of wood, harvested their diligence. Villagers forced to buy electricity only because of its own to produce prohibited.

Villagers are not afraid of the rise in prices for buckwheat or other cereals. In his cellar full of potatoes, vegetables from the kitchen garden, harvesting. It could easily hold out until the next harvest in their stocks, products in plastic packaging will not buy in the supermarket.

Until the summer just enough stock.)
Until the summer just enough stock.)

There will be no country to issue a loan to buy an expensive iPhone, it is not necessary for the village. In some places and the connection is bad, does not catch.

And now you can imagine how much money is lacking because of this on hand? After all, the sale of boots, coats and sheepskins more revenue can not do.

What about health? In this issue at all chaos! The air is clean village water without chlorine and impurities, residents have plenty of time to deal with the economy on the street, the kids are fed natural milk so sour, diathesis they rarely happen. And adults decoction of herbs are treated, they do not want to go to the doctors so expensive drugs to swallow.

Magic grass.
Magic grass.

Will not work! The man with the birth should be treated only by pharmacies with medicines, it is desirable to expensive! What funds will then be pharmaceutical factory and selling company?

In the village of spirituality and morality is strong. Village man brought up in such a way that it is necessary to live according to the laws of nature, it will not go over the heads to achieve the goal.

At the villagers has its own! This is the most terrible power for the "democrats".

If you think a man in a city apartment if the owner, even if it is privatized? Is it possible at will to turn the heat if you can withstand the off hot water? And what can be done when disconnecting gas, water or electricity?

A villager - master in his own household. When it's cold, he heats the oven, the water is gaining from the well, clean in his own bath, cooks in the oven.

Spit us on the hot water and drain.
Spit us on the hot water and drain.

That's because of all this, it turns out that a villager in modern society dangerous element! For this reason, it must be destroyed.

In 1961, the urban population was 53% of the total, and 47% of the villagers. At the moment, the urban population has increased to 77% against 23% in the villages. If you think 23% of the rural population not only feed themselves and their families, but also 3 times more city dwellers! So far, in fact, artificial food products: meat, milk and eggs in the shops is not yet widespread.

It remains quite a bit to the total destruction of the village. It became a place of unemployment. Schools in small villages are closed due to optimization policies. So leave the family, leaving their homes. Where there are no children, no future!