My wife said that I became too nervous and started to burn lavrushku. For what?

  • Dec 24, 2019
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I came up, so come up with. Most likely it someone taught, I do not doubt it at all.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

When I finally asked her, for what purpose it lavrushku burns home, he said that I'm like the last time became too nervous and burns bay leaf for my calm, and then another and lecture about lavrushku I read.

Lecture such uninteresting not say, carried away by her story!

"Allegedly, even during the days of yore, lavrushku used for the prevention of all evil. Combustion was particularly prevalent leafs, when there was any epidemic.

In the year one very strongly believed that the smell of burning laurel, cleans the air and treats.

Subsequently, a laurel leaf was used in the preparation of various dishes.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

From a scientific point of view, the bright minds was also expressed interest in the properties of bay leaf.

And in the course of the research and experiments, they concluded that the burning of leafs in the room, there is cleaner air and removes various unpleasant odors.

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At the same time, people living in these areas, to get better health.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

And it is probably close to the truth. Indeed, in Lavrushka concentrated essential oil and a substance as cineole.

And when the burning bay leaves, he is not engaged in masking odors, but just simply delete them.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

In the room, in which at least laurel leaf burn in a day, and to breathe becomes easy, and if present a headache, it must go through the pain.

And if human common cold, it is like garlic, bay leaf smell will not only protect others from infection, but also easier to make yourself sick.

Essential oils that are contained in Lavrushka, through the breath into the lungs, and the man becomes a paste easier to breathe.

Just Lavrushka well helps in nervous condition, stress, and rescues from insomnia.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

And for all this buzz is enough to burn a bay leaf, and everything!

And it's very, very hard not to.

Puts bay leaf in a saucer and set fire to it, take away open flames and it just starts to smolder, spreading a light smoke on the premises. "

"So my hubby" - said the wife, "Now you have me going to calm, like a boa constrictor!"

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