The owner of the sawmill turned stingy. Regretted sawdust to gardeners. Real story

  • Dec 24, 2019
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A hundred meters away from our holiday village is located a sawmill. Every summer on its outskirts dump machines sawdust that is produced in the processing of wood. Volumes in this large sawmill, so sawdust mountains come with catastrophic speed.

Many years of our summer residents from SNT took the sawdust, without any problems, free of charge. Who came to be gaining on two sacks and dragged dragged to his land, who came by car or motorcycle with a sidecar or duct. Our neighbor even carried on the trailer of 20 bags a lot of time to raise their beds. We have also repeatedly went for sawdust when it was a need.

According to fire regulations and safety sawmill host is obliged to take away the sawdust from area sawmills. But since this requires additional costs were: on the car, gasoline, etc.., he was glad that gardeners take away it in such volumes. During the summer heap subsided in his eyes.
Also we decided to take away a bit of sawdust. Handy))
Also we decided to take away a bit of sawdust. Handy))

All were happy, everyone was a winner!

But at one point, the host at the sawmill was replaced. And he was probably one of those "businessmen" who from any "**** r" wanted to get profit. In general it is forbidden to give free sawdust, and set price of 70 rubles per bag of sawdust.

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For such a small bag - give 70 rubles.
For such a small bag - give 70 rubles.

One of the summer residents of such a turn of events, of course, did not accept. And they stopped taking this sawdust sawmill. Heaps began to grow at a tremendous speed, take out their new owner apparently did not intend to. And one day, they caught fire for an unknown reason. While notice caused the fire until firefighters arrived at the scene, the fire spread to the building workshops. Generally burned nearly 70 percent of the sawmill.

That's greed and the desire to make money out of "nothing", led to the loss of almost all businesses.

And our board of SNT has agreed to host another sawmill, and he himself, on a call, brings us to the sawdust dump trucks, and dump it in the space provided next to our garden community. He is coming out much cheaper than carry the same sawdust on the landfill.