Creaking floor, it does not matter. Independently and simply, without changing boards cope with this scratch!

  • Dec 24, 2019

The wooden floor, which you have in an apartment or in a holiday home, eventually begins to creak. And oh how it unpleasant. At night, you will pass on the need, for example to a refrigerator, wake the whole house creaked and this all will know that even at night you miss his white friend.

The reason for this problem is elementary. Under the influence of ambient humidity changes, temperature, wooden boards from which the floor is laid starting to use their property - deformation. There are cracks in other places on the contrary trying to board nalezt on the board, you walk on the floor, working on his weight of his body, from this board moving, rubbing against each other and grind. An important factor of course, is who and how you this floor was packing. If done on the conscience, the squeak can be quite a long time, and if the freebies, the creaking floor and a month can start.

Repair situation may be different, but if you in time realized it, you can do without replacing the floorboards, and to try to revive the old, and not tearing them from his seat.

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Consider the most popular ways:

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

1. The most that is not easy to eat, it is bolted to the flooring joists using ordinary screws.

By the way, perhaps it is no secret that many of the floorboards to the joists under floor stowage fastened with nails. It is not very reliable. Paul shaken, because not very strong attachment, begins to move away from the lag, and when you're going through it, the board due to the resulting backlash are starting to rub on the joists. Here are creaking and there.

Screws, we just ponadezhnee tightly and screw the boards to the joists, eliminating the gap formed between them.

The simplicity of the method consists also in the fact that there is no need to remove the nails that were nailed to the floor, just next to them, screw screws.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

2. The method, which was popular with our ancestors, is to use wax candles.

This method is famous for its efficiency, as verified by many generations.

We need to take a wax candle and rub the joints, in the places where the boards creak.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

3. I would call this way of children, because with it we use talc.

It is very simple, but very short-lived. We need to take the tube with talcum powder and sprinkle it in the slot of the sexes. After which any excess talc, remaining on the floor, sweep and wash off.

4. Polyurethane foam, its application, is also one of the ways to eliminate squeaking floors.

Will not be enough for long. over time, the foam loses its properties. Take balonchik with foam and the mounting gap between them propenivaem boards. The foam is dry, expand and provide sufficient clamping force, which will eliminate the creaking floor. Cut off all unnecessary knife and washed with a special tool.

5. A method in which a dedicated sealant used.

The principle of operation is the same as with the mounting foam.

Here are 5 basic most simple and inexpensive way to eliminate squeaking wooden floor, which anyone can use, one at least of the arms of his hands are growing, but not in one place. For some time, these methods are able to eliminate the squeak. But when it all started, it was only an expensive replacement of the floor with you!

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