13 secrets of masking tape, which will be useful

  • Dec 24, 2019
The main function of masking tape is the protection of various surfaces when painting anything. But its application is not limited. There are a lot of secrets and tricks applying masking tape, which I want to share with you.

1. Often it is very bad bit screwdriver or screw holding screw (no magnetic tip). In this case, we can help masking tape. Pierces the piece of tape screws, insert the screw into the bat, and the ends of the tape is wound onto the bat. Now you can wrap the screw even in a remote place without any problems.

2. There are situations where the installation wiring must sign the wires in the junction box. Glue on a piece of tape on each wire, and write them to continue to not forget from where and where the wires go.

3. To avoid contamination of the handle spatula or brush in the repair, winds its masking tape. After work, just remove the tape and pen tool again as good as new.

4. It so happens that lost the cap from the tube with adhesive or sealant from the tube. No problem. You can tightly wrap the tip of the tube of our masking tape, and press it firmly. Now the glue does not dry up and does not score a nose tube.

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5. When you need to remove pet hair from upholstered furniture, we wind simply masking tape on roll adhesive side out. Now just rolled roller gathering place, and all the hair will remain on the tape.

6. When you need to precisely cut a piece of a pipe, to help us also comes tape. Wrap the tube in the right place masking tape to the edge converged. Make a mark on the edge of the tape. And now you can even cut the pipe according to the labels.

7. On a smooth surface, be it tile or laminate, it is difficult to drill a hole. The drill will slide along the surface. To avoid this, stick a piece of masking tape on the surface and make a mark at the point of drilling. Now drill drill precisely in this place, and will not "move out" in one side.

8. When you need something to hang on the wall with masking tape, we can make a layout. Pasted strip of adhesive tape from the mounting holes and mark up. Now we carry over this tape on the wall and drill the wall on the markup, which we applied to the tape. Just do not forget to check the horizontal level.

9. There are situations when it is necessary to drill a hole a certain depth. Measure out the desired depth on the drill and paste a piece of tape on it, leaving a few tips. When the drill bit reaches the required depth, these tips will sweep swarf.

10. When shpaklevanii holes from screws and nails on wood putty is that, even after removal leaves traces, which are clearly visible then varnished. What would this do not happen, pasted a piece of masking tape, spackling nail pierces the place, then shpaklyuem. Any excess putty remains on the tape, which then can be removed without problems.

11. When disassembling something fine details can be added to the adhesive side of the piece of masking tape. Now they will not be lost and where it is not going anywhere.

12. Also, the masking tape can be used as a temporary remedy for a variety of cuts on his hands, so that not all smeared with blood. The tape will do for some time without a patch. But when he got home treat the wound and tie a bandage.

13. When drilling holes in the wall, so that was a lot of debris and dust do from a piece of paper envelope - pocket. Glue tape it to the wall directly below the drilling site. All dust is collected in the pocket. After drilling, remove it and throw in the trash.

I hope you have been helpful these tips and tricks. See you soon!

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