Fresh juicy peppers in the winter directly from the "beds" on the window sill. hurry plant

  • Dec 24, 2019

Agree, in winter most want fresh tasty vegetables. They, of course, is on store shelves, but for the quality of "winter" vegetables there is no answer, and the price for these products is increasing at times.

So many people suffer from the onset of cold weather the plants from the garden on the windowsill. Someone grows tomatoes in the apartment, some strawberries, and today we'll talk about how to grow peppers on a windowsill.

The best grades of "winter" of pepper

As you can imagine, not all pepper will grow into a full bush on the windowsill. Conventional greenhouse peppers occupy much space, and the sunlight is not enough for the ripening of the fruit.

Therefore pepper planting in the apartment is to choose low-growing varieties with small cute fruit:

How to grow peppers on a windowsill

Most varieties of ornamental pepper quite unpretentious. But that the plant has grown and good fruit, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions.

As containers for planting peppers fit any packaging: wooden boxes, ordinary flower pots, plastic containers.

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You can start with a small container and then repot in containers have a larger size. But I do not advise to do often such transplant, it is better to take a container volume of 1-1.5 liters.

To improve the germination of seeds pre-soaked in cloth or gauze for several days. Do not forget to keep an eye on the humidity of gauze, otherwise the seeds dry out.

Seeds are sown at a depth of 1-1.5 cm. You can cover with foil or glass container. Seedlings emerge in 1-2 weeks, so bear with me.

Dive. All of you know that peppers do not like dive. However, if the seeds were planted in a container, this procedure is a must.

When rostochku appear 2-3 real leaves, the plants must be carefully seated in a separate container.

care of chilli peppers on a windowsill

With the departure of all is simple: regular feeding, watering and compliance with the light regime.

  • Watering. Watering bush must be as dry soil in the pot. Watering is desirable to use only warm water (approximately 30 degrees). If the pepper stands on the windowsill above the hot battery, then it should be sprayed every day.
  • Lighting. Pepper heat-loving plant, so it is better to live on the windows facing the south. Winter was at least 10:00 is necessary to provide additional light to daylight. Suitable conventional fluorescent lamp, no way, for example, I use.
  • Fertilizing. Feed pepper on a window sill need to once every 2 weeks, be sure after watering. First top dressing is made after the first true leaves. I do feeding itself in the following way: take 1 gram of urea, 2 g of potassium salt and 10 grams of superphosphate, it all dissolved in a liter of water.
  • Formation of the bush. Low-growing varieties of pepper are not needed in the formation of the bush, as they enough air and nutrients. I delete them just below the start of the lateral leaves branching stems and shoots without ovaries.
  • ground loosening should be performed periodically, but as carefully as possible so as not to damage the root system of your rastishek. So, in order to grow peppers on the windowsill in the winter need minimal effort. And your green one sure to please you with tasty peppers.

BY THE WAY! I almost forgot!!! But good quality seeds for their own, both winter and spring planting, I get here, And you can come in handy. In the same order and feeding for their rastishek.

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