10 Simple Ways to get rid of mold in the cellar, and what it is dangerous for a person (do not run and do not risk your health)

  • Dec 24, 2019

In all life on Earth is a terrible enemy. It causes dangerous diseases and spoil food. Even concrete can not resist him, and the tree may turn into dust in a few months. It - mold. Disputes its ubiquitous, and a favorable environment for their development, it is in the basement. And if you noticed traces of her appearance, then get rid of mold in the basement you need as soon as possible. What do you do when the enemy has already penetrated into your cellar?

The dangerous mold

Mold spores can cause allergies and smell - headaches, but it is not the most terrible trouble. One type of mold can grow in the lungs, causing aspergillosis, very difficult to treat. Molds find the culprit of disease of the joints, heart and nervous system.

Concrete, the affected mold, loses strength, the brick is crumbling, the tree it destroys in a few years or even months.

How to get rid of mold in the cellar

Ways of dealing with mold invented many. To do this, there are chemical drugs and folk remedies. With mold fighting and quartz, and blowtorch burn it and scraped, but it will reappear if the cellar is stale, moist air.

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Before processing, endure all that is possible: jars of pickles, boxes of vegetables, boards from the shelves, newspapers. Boards, newspapers and rags should be burned, but if you replace the shelf until there is nothing, it is necessary to dry on the tree sun, sanded and treated with lime, formalin solution, white or bought in the store means. If the ground floor, then remove the top layer of soil to a depth of 20 cm.

  • Sulfuric checker. The easiest and most effective way. Sulfur dioxide is everywhere and destroys molds in the most secluded corners. Sulfuric saber lit, the door and ventilation openings carefully closed. The cellar is left to rest for at least 12 hours and it is better for a day, then two days ventilated. After cleaning the cellar ready to receive the new harvest.
  • Chemicals. Arsenal of chemicals to combat mold is huge. Well established Dezaktin, Savo, Dali, Niomid. Instructions for their use can be found on the packaging. But if you do not like chemistry or hardware store too far, you can use one of the following folk remedies.
  • The whiteness of the mold in the cellar. Undiluted white applied to the surface, the affected mold, sponge, brush or roller. It is also convenient to use spray. Before processing, do not forget about safety glasses, rubber gloves, respirator and unnecessary gown. After drying, the mold was scraped with a knife or a metal sponge.
  • Ammonia. Less effective than white, but it is also suitable for the treatment of the affected areas. Dosing exactly the same as for whiteness.
  • Lemon acid. Mold can derive citric acid, taking it 100 g per liter of water. Are suitable any acids, although the liquid cleaning car drives. Vinegar can be mixed with boric acid in a ratio of 4: 1. Apply with a sponge or spray.
  • Bluestone. Cheap and effective method. 100 g of copper sulfate diluted in a bucket of warm water, add vinegar glass to enhance the effect.
  • Lime. Typically, using a mixture of hydrated and bleach in equal amounts. This composition is used for prevention.
  • Kvartsevanie. They comprise a quartz lamp for 9 hours. It is better to use this method in conjunction with others.
  • warm air processing. Will fit all that is at hand: heat gun, heater or hair dryer building. For reliable kill the mold temperature should be at least 60◦S.
  • Blowtorch. Radical and effective way, just be sure to remove from the cellar all the wooden and plastic items.

See, that mold is not so terrible. Get rid of it - it is quite a feasible task. The main thing is that after the victory did not create a new favorable environment for it.

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