Why pull the rubber band on the jar of paint and other stealth technician

  • Dec 24, 2019

Painting work - almost a mandatory part of any repair. These procedures are often tedious, besides still have to monitor the cleanliness, not to slap all around. A few simple tips will help to simplify the work, making the painting process easier and faster.

1. How to make a container for ink, easy for painting works

Of empty plastic containers with a wide neck from under the liquid fabric softener or other household chemicals gives a very comfortable capacity for painting works. The middle of the bottle is cut so that the left upper and lower parts, as well as side - with a pen. In the lower part of the paint is poured in the throat convenient to put paint brush and the handle - to carry container from one place to another. In order to handle a brush dripping paint is not possible to make a kind of pommel of some plastic caps or half bottle.

 "Modified" plastic bottle - good help when painting works
"Modified" plastic bottle - good help when painting works

2. How to use the cuvette so that it does not need to be cleaned

After the end of the paint work is stained cell. Scour it from paint - pleasure below average, and leave a dried layer ugly. Also the old paint particles may reach the surface of the next painting. The cuvette can maintain a clean, if before using it to wrap foil or cling film layer 2-3. You can also use a plastic bag of appropriate size, but keep in mind that it does not stick to the walls as a film and it must be secured with tape. After completion of the work material that wraps the cell by simply discarded, and the tray is clean.

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Helpful advice from Novate.ru: New rollers, even sealed in cellophane, in their villi may contain particles of debris generated during the manufacturing process. Therefore, before using them to prepare - to wash with warm water and soap, rinse and dry. Then the painted surface will appreciate the clean, smooth shine without inclusions of foreign particles.
Wrapped in foil cuvette will remain clean after painting
Wrapped in foil cuvette will remain clean after painting

3. How carefully paint small parts, not sullying everything

If you need to paint some small parts of the spray in the room, there is a simple way to do this without compromising the interior. Take some unnecessary cardboard box and put on the side. Tara checked for cracks, and found gaps carefully sealed with tape.

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In the upper part of the box bore holes to pass a piece of wire. One end is fixed with a pencil, a second bend hook. Inside the box is suspended detail and color of the balloon. Since the interior of the room did not suffer - wall box will prevent the spray paint around.

When painting inside the box to protect the interior of the room will help
When painting inside the box to protect the interior of the room will help

4. How to protect the paint from falling debris

When you need to touch up some small portion, do not dip the brush into the container in which the ink is stored. There is always a risk of stain tool in some debris and dirt enter into the jar.

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It is much more convenient to take some other container, put inside a couple of plastic bags, nested there and pour a little paint. It is better to fill up as necessary to the package, while the main stock of paint is guaranteed to stay clean.

For touch-up more convenient to use a separate container and the paint in the bank will remain clean
For touch-up more convenient to use a separate container and the paint in the bank will remain clean

5. How to make a simple hanger for easy coloring

In a situation where you need to paint some large items from all sides, well, let's say, a wooden workpiece, will greatly facilitate the work of a simple suspension. The strong board screwed into the four self-tapping screws by half so that they protrude above the surface and form a square. Hardware set so that a small space formed inside, but smaller than the head of the fastening element. The first row - adjacent two of the screw, the second series with each other and closely adjacent to the first, but between the fasteners leave a small gap, which can pass a screw. Further, the board is fixed to the ceiling.

Four tapping screws form a stable attachment
Four tapping screws form a stable attachment

The end of the wood screw is screwed as half. Speaker metiz cling for suspension and you can start coloring spray gun even though a brush or roller. The workpiece is spinning, it can be easily rotated with the attachment does not slip out of the suspension, as the screw slightly pritopat in hats.

Helpful advice from Novate.ru: To paint a good lie down on the surface before painting roller should "roll out". masking of the cell design provides for this moment: the recess is poured into the paint, but the platform is used for the rolling tool. If this tray is not, then use a piece of clean fanerki or drywall. Roller dipped in paint and rolled him to completely and uniformly saturated with the coloring composition.
Large parts easier to paint in limbo
Large parts easier to paint in limbo

6. How to store the brush and roller, so they do not withered

If, during the painting works for some reason we have to make a break for a couple of hours, then to paint is not dried up on the bristles of a brush or lint roller, the tool is placed in a plastic package. Kulka hole tightly rolled up, did not penetrate to the inside air. It will also prevent the tool and debris from entering.

Plastic bag will prevent the tool from drying paint
Plastic bag will prevent the tool from drying paint

In the event that a break in the painting works longer - a few days, then brushes require maintenance. They were washed well with warm water and dried, if used, water-soluble ink.

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If the work performed with oil or alkyd enamels means, the brush can be left in the solvent. A plastic bottle is cut and the lower portion of the solvent was poured into the appropriate type. Inside is placed a brush covering the upper half of the bottle and connected parts are fixed with tape.

Helpful advice from Novate.ru: Keep the brush for a long time, put in a bottle with a solvent, it is not recommended. Under the weight of the pile handle bends and lose its original shape. Therefore, after the painting work the paint brush is washed, dried and stored, or in a horizontal position or pile up. For better dimensional stability can be packed in parchment paper or rubber band to intercept stubble.
The plastic bottle brush can stand for some time in the solvent
The plastic bottle brush can stand for some time in the solvent

7. How to avoid paint drips from the banks in the process of painting works

Release the brush from the paint surplus, pinning her to the edge of the hole the banks is not very convenient - on the sides is inevitable drips. Much more practical to be put on the capacity of the two gum.

One must pass through the hole, and the second - on the sides of the banks, the first elastic fixing so as not to slide off when a brush is pressed. To completely eliminate the possibility of getting paint on the floor to the bottom of the banks can attach a disposable plate.

With a rubber band on the jar will be easier to remove the excess paint with a brush
With a rubber band on the jar will be easier to remove the excess paint with a brush
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