How to make compost in the fall, so much so that to use it even for planting in spring (Cool fertilizer in just 3 months!)

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Ever since childhood I remember, coming to the country in October and November and from the comfort of a cozy country bus at the cool autumn air, smelled the smell of burnt leaves, which always was for me to be associated with autumn.

Most of our summer residents of the cooperative for some reason prefer to burn fallen leaves, but it is already being grown and grew up, I never do that, because the piles of yellow and red fall foliage can be turned into valuable fertilizer spring. And now I will tell you, how to make compost fast, useful and nutritious.

Components and ingredients for compost

How and what to make compost
How and what to make compost

First, let's say that in the compost I almost always is not only the leaves, but also grass cuttings (Especially valuable green nettles), as well as all the remains of peas and beans, if any, in the current season grew on site. Also, I sometimes look down to a win-win proposition neighbor clean his chicken coop, which he usually readily agrees. Resulting from this "quest" bird droppings, too, goes into the compost.

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On one of the vouchers old calendar gardener I read that composting leaves of cabbage, tomatoes and eggplant stems should be treated in a special way: before laying their need to sprinkle powder, brown coal, or the remnants of the tops melon or mustard.

compost Bookmark

First you need to prepare the tank. In my case - it is inherited from the move out neighbors cut the average volume barrels (120-150 liters), inside lined with cling film or with inserted garbage bags. No holes and holes: the material for the winter should be well perepret and better - if this process will take place without intensive ventilation.

How to cook the compost
How to cook the compost

Components can simply dump into the tank in small groups, but I prefer to spread their coats: it provides greater looseness of installation. After each layer is necessary to sprinkle a small amount of fertilizer is the future of the land, and then I add the "secret ingredient" in the form of wood ashes, "prosalivaya 's each layer.

When the container is full, it can be a little trample and tightly tie or seal with tape. The average temperature in the tank should then rise, simultaneously destroying the larvae of certain insect pests.

How to make fast compost
How to make fast compost

By the way yes: keep compost naturally need not freeze for long winter indoors (in my case - a barn, where wintering ducks). After about 3-4 months, the compost can be considered ready for use. If you did everything correctly, then the spring will get excellent loose, useful, and most importantly - a natural fertilizer for shrubs and trees.

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