How to prepare a bed for garlic in the fall to enjoy a big harvest in the summer

  • Dec 24, 2019

Prepare sleighs in summer, the cart - in the winter, and a vegetable garden for the coming season - fall! It is with such little enthusiasm donating pioneer theme for the third fall, I'm going to his dacha, and I devote the necessary time during the careful preparation of their blood six acres to the next dacha season.

Today I, dear readers, to tell you about the features of the autumn prepare the beds for planting winter garlic.

The choice of location for planting winter garlic

First we need to choose a bed for future slender rows of burning herbs. It is best if all the previous season on the future of garlic garden of any growing beans, cucumbers or tomatoes. Not bad - if the pumpkin or early cabbage.

The fact that such "support" almost guarantees a maximum amount of soil pleasant for bulbous plants of organic substances.

The beds should have the north and south, and is highly desirable - on the sunny side (actually lost a couple of years ago with the garlic harvest beds from under a huge, shady walnut tree will not lie). It is desirable that soil acidity was normal or low.

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Preparation of the soil in the garden for winter garlic

The soil under the garlic planting in the area of ​​the end of August - beginning of September to be carefully fertilized with humus, ash, superphosphate and potassium sulfate, and then carefully and sufficiently deep (20 cm in depth) dig. Optimal parameters width and height of ridges - 1 m and 25 cm, respectively.

After the bed is formed, it is necessary to give her a few days to shrink. Normally this help intense autumn rains, but if there are not expected, and you can pour yourself a few watering cans for the future landing spot.

By the way, you can combine business with even more useful and immediately shed beds 1% sodium sulfate (tablespoon to a bucket of water): this will help to protect the garlic from pests and diseases.

Until the beginning of the landing is necessary to disassemble the head of garlic into cloves and choose only the biggest and healthiest of them. To complete disinfection can also soak them in the same sulphate solution for one day.

The wells in the moist, loose soil, I often do with small blades, or even handle it. I prefer to play it safe and put about 15 cm to a depth of cloves in the ground as serious frost in our area while still happen from time to time.

The distance between the holes - about 10, and between the rows - about 25 centimeters. Dent teeth deeper into the wells do not advise: it can make the process of rooting them.

Closed wells can hide rotted compost, and on top lay a layer of mulch (best - softwood, but a simple and suitable fallen leaves). Here you go! Beautiful and maximally protected from frost and pests garlic bed ready, and we can only waiting for warm spring days, to one of them to see the show barely out of the ground green rostochku.

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