Feel free to organize a bed now. What flowers can be planted before winter, and why it's better to do in the fall

  • Dec 24, 2019

What kind of flowers to plant in autumn? Many flower lovers sometimes wonder: how practical is planting flowers in the autumn.
You're not just, of course, noticed that the scattered self-sown the same age rather orderly germinate soon as the soil warms in the spring. Sometimes they even have to fight as a habit of the weeds.
Kosmeya, calendula, marigold, kochia germinate well after the forced wintering.

What can we say about the unpretentious mnogoletkah such as lupine or Aquilegia. Get rid of them is sometimes more difficult than from the ubiquitous wheatgrass. On the other hand, such survivability confirms the possibility of landing some crops under winter.

Why is better to plant in autumn

If September turned out to be dry, then why not? Firstly, part of the spring work has to be done in advance, and, secondly, the shoots will appear in a week or two early. In addition, there are at least three important points:

  • Spring will not have to wait for favorable conditions for sowing winter wheat plants themselves know when they germinate.
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  • Those plants that germinate, a priori, to be healthy and strong, as from hibernation wake up only the strongest.
  • Under natural conditions, seeds of growth alone will hardening process, orient the terms and create a strong root system.

Cons too, but not much. It does not always sow plants for permanent seats, while transplanting some may fall into depression. If the start of the new season will be extremely rainy, seedlings can not wait. Oh, and the germination of winter is much worse, so the seeds are sown for 30-40% more than usual.

How to prepare soil

Location is recommended to cook in late September - early October, but I'm trying to prepare everything before the onset of the rainy weather. I dig the soil with humus to a depth of 1-1.5 bayonet, add complex fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus. Immediately marks out the furrow, adhering to the usual planting schemes.

The larger the seed, the more they have to lie. The largest, such as those nasturtium, Deepened to 4 cm, and small, such as poppy and linen, 0.5-1 cm. After that close the film earth: if sharply colder, bed not go under the snow.

In late October - early November tidy film and plant seeds in furrows thicker, taking into account the fact that not all germinate. I fall asleep on top of pre-prepared humus and mulch for safety.

What can be sown

When choosing crops have to take into account their resistance to frost and vegetation period, which shall not be more than 40-60 days. Most often it is the flowers that live in the flowerbeds to the very cold weather and can easily tolerate the first light frosts: Iberis, calendula, Clark, kosmeya, lavatera, flax, Mattioli, nasturtium, eschscholzia.

I have mentioned only those species that are planting for several years and can confidently recommend to others. Sowing flowers in open ground before winter - a great opportunity to enhance the experience, as well as the release window sills and time in the spring. Do not be afraid to try new things, because nature itself tells us the right strategies in caring for your favorite flower gardens.

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