Harmful insects: how to prevent their appearance in the garden. Expert recommendations

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. For an avid summer resident, the invasion of pests is only comparable to a natural disaster. This is understandable: gardeners feel sorry for the labor expended and the dying harvest. To avoid worrying about this, you can take care of prevention in advance, which consists of very simple but effective measures.

Colorado beetle. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Colorado beetle. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Mandatory observance of crop rotation

Different vegetables require a specific supply of nutrients. At the same time, they get it from different layers of soil - from the upper or lower. Therefore, soil reserves of useful components are consumed for each group of plants individually.

The alternation of garden crops on the site allows not only to increase yields, but also to protect the soil and plants from diseases and pests. Competent observance of crop rotation allows you to solve the following tasks:

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  • weed control;
  • protection of the soil from the appearance of infections, pests;
  • improving the structure of the soil, enriching it with nutrients.
In addition, crop rotation helps protect the land from harmful atmospheric influences as a result of excessive rainfall and wind erosion.

Selection and application of mulch

This event allows you to protect not only the soil - a properly selected substrate acts as a plant nutrition. Mulching protects the soil from moisture loss, prevents erosion, the spread of weeds and pests. In addition, mulch improves the structure of the soil. In vegetable beds, it is best to use cut grass, straw, humus or compost.

Timely weeding

Systematic loosening of the soil helps to improve the structure of the soil and ensures its saturation with oxygen. Plus, by removing weeds, you leave harmful insects without shelter or food. And their larvae, hiding in the upper layers of the earth, become easy prey for birds.

Hilling, weeding potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

What to do with plant residues

Cut grass, small twigs, weeds, fallen fruits, foliage and vegetable tops are excellent shelters for pests. In order not to create conditions for their reproduction, plant residues must be collected and destroyed in time. Or put it in a compost pit.

If the plant remains show signs of disease or damage from insects, then they are not suitable for the manufacture of organic fertilizer. Such garbage is raked up, taken out of the beds and burned.

Etching of planting material

Presowing seed treatment is carried out for prophylaxis against pests. Etching of planting material in solutions of manganese or boric acid (0.2 g per 1 liter of water) will protect the vegetable crop from possible diseases.

The same effect is exerted by treatment with a solution of copper sulfate (0.1 g per 1 liter of water). Treated seeds will produce healthy offspring that will be protected from insects. After all, pests affect primarily weakened plants.

In addition, this procedure will identify seeds that are not suitable for sowing. During processing, they will float to the surface.

Use of special tools

In the fight against insects, effective chemicals are often used. However, protecting plants from pests, one should not forget about their safety.

Use of special insect repellents. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

To protect themselves and others from poisoning, more and more summer residents prefer biological preparations made from plant extracts with the addition of beneficial microorganisms:

  • "Bitoxibacillin";
  • Fitoverm;
  • "Lepidocide";
  • Antonem;
  • "Bactoculicide";
  • "Nemabakt" and others.

These products provide effective protection against insects without adversely affecting human or animal health.

Simple measures, if adopted, will become effective protection of garden (horticultural) crops and soil from pests and infections. Simple preventative measures will save you time, effort and harvest.

Do you know how to deal with harmful insects?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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