How to use windfalls of apples with the use of (or) how to turn waste into profit

  • Dec 24, 2019

Rich apple harvest often becomes a big problem for gardeners. And now you have to grab his head, which sounds one question: "What to do with the windfall?«. The shelves are full of already harvested compotes, jams, jam and juice. All free surfaces in the house occupied by the drying, and the fallen apples all come.

All relatives, neighbors, friends and colleagues are trying to warn your question, answer in advance: "Apples do not have to." And then again and again fallen apples and pears, which is densely dotted with all the soil under the trees. And once again knocking on the head:What to do with windfalls?And what to do with it?

What to do with windfalljust not worth it

The first thing that comes to mind - this is attributed to the trash. Before you commit such an act, it is better to go for exploration. If the day is sunny, it is likely that you should let the neighbors, facing away from the plastered wasps and flies dumpsters.

Can stand by and join the discussion that for muddler guessed emptied into the trash apples. And "muddler" will be the softest epithet.

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  • It is possible that you will live to see the darkness and crept like a thief, will carry fallen apples in the forest. But if a couple of days will be going to look for mushrooms, you spoil your impression of all silent hunting due to the acidic smell coming from the discarded apples.
  • The worst thing you can do - is to leave everything as it is, and postpone the decision for later. So you get all of these problems at once: the sour smell, wasps, flies, and mice in the appendage. Besides plenty after eating worms decide to go for dessert and wander off into the trees.
And the next year you will have to wrestle with how to cope with the invasion of pests and diseases, disputes that will inevitably entered the wind on the apple.

What to cook from the windfall apples

Think, and whether all of that, that can be made from apples, You harvested?

Cut and hang on strings, if there is no place to scatter. Come in handy in the winter instead of seeds when watching movies or TV shows. You can make Mochenov apples, pickled, candy, wine or cider, a staunch teetotaler useful Apple vinegar. Them

  • and lettuce can be charged;
  • and how to use the medicine;
  • and as a prophylactic;
  • and the hair rinsed with it in order to be thick and glistening;
  • and add to the bath.

When harvesting, of course, also left a lot of waste, but the most useful thing you certainly will take away.

Fertilizer from windfalls

Padalitsa and waste from its processing - excellent fertilizer. It can be used immediately, but can be put in the compost, so they were the next crop.

For berry bushes. Very responsive to fertilizer such currant gooseberry and especially raspberry. Proroyte furrow along its rows, pour into it the fallen apples, not damaged worms and diseases. Best of all their pre-grind. If you have not purchased a very useful in the garden shredder farm, then - a hoe or a shovel in his hands, and for the cause.

Laziness? Pour so, but do not forget to fill the earth or humus, so as not to attract all of the same OS. Helpful and zamulchirovat chopped top leaves, cut grass, sawdust, bark, fallen leaves.

All this must be put on top of the apples before you fall asleep ground. This will ensure the access of air and help beneficial bacteria and worms to deal with waste conversion task in the fertilizer. The smell will be gone.

For fruit trees

Bury windfalls in the same manner and in the tree trunks apples, plums, and other trees. Just do not dig too deep, so as not to damage the roots. 15 centimeters is enough. Closer to the trunk should limit ourselves to 10 centimeters.

Feel free to pour out into the furrows windfalls and waste! So you return to the land obtained from her apple tree:

  • potassium and phosphorus;
  • iron and boron;
  • copper and molybdenum, as well as many other required trees, minerals and trace elements.

Just before inspect the fruit. They should not be sick and worm-eaten, or instead of good will bring extra problems, and the apple tree and himself.

What can fertilize windfalls: What plants love it

Responsive to fertilizer viburnum apples, all kinds of mountain ash, hawthorn, quince, magnolia, rhododendron, like all conifers.

But with cherries, plums should be careful. If you do decide to bury the apples at them, do not forget to fill up more ash. These trees do not like acidic soil, such as soil fertilizer acidifies.

There are still undamaged apple waste? We need more options what to do with windfalls? Then hold the fertilizer currant and productive unit beds for the next year.

harvest beds

There is another great option the use of windfall. If you dig the bed of apples in the future, the next crop of squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, eggplant, radishes, sorrel, herbs and potatoes will delight you.

It is already possible to dig a hole deeper, not less than a bayonet spade. After filling of fruit drop place a layer of dry grass, then humus or compost, and top lay removed soil.

Attention!On these beds is not necessary to put any kind of cabbage or beets. They also like plum and cherry, hate acidic soil. They can be put on a bed of only a year, previously well proizvestkovav soil.

For garden strawberry bed so too will like, and if you will be going to have blueberries, then it Padalitsa - just a heavenly treat. flower apple fertilizer I love hydrangeas and peonies, roses and wild rose.

Such beds are obtained above the ordinary and therefore warms up quickly in the spring. If cover their greenhouse, then planted on them will be a week earlier, but this time the race is very important if you want to please yourself and loved ones in the early harvest of vegetables vitamins.

Padalitsa apples in the compost

Composting - is an art, but mastering its intricacies, you will be rewarded with the abolition of crops without chemicals. Padalitsa in compost will have to fit. However, there are two different opinions about what should be laid in a compost pit sick or worm-eaten fruit.

  • Some say that a properly prepared compost all harmful heat killed when fermentation.
  • Others insist that all sick and contaminated must be incinerated or buried away from the site to a depth of not less than a meter.

Your cause, but the experience of many farmers said that still possible and patients apples put in a compost pile. In the end, not necessarily to throw it when digging for the next year. You can turn over the spring thoroughly, fill the earth and put on top of the pile squash, cucumbers, beans, peas, herbs or flowers, and in the fall cover film and leave to ripen.

In the preparation of compost technology is not fundamentally different from that described above for the high beds. Optionally repeat everything exactly.Importantonly to comply with the rule: a big bottom, smaller waste - from above. Windfalls lightly pour the ground with ashes and thrown on top of a layer of grass.

A greater role in the preparation of the compost plays air access, so do not forget to turn over it though least twice per season, in the extreme case, simply pierce in several places with a long stick, and the top pitchfork. In dry weather, a bunch of watered in winter necessarily harbor film. It is useful to add a bit of urea to accelerate fermentation. You can use the "Bio-humus", "Baikal", or other similar drugs. Huge scope for creativity.

Apple "compote" of windfall

We know another answer to the question of what to do with the windfall. But it then goes about something else compote. Boil it does not need, and do not have to drink it to you.) But a hearty feed them to your plants is possible and necessary! Enjoy a meal and all the cultures that have been listed previously.

For its preparation windfalls pour water in any suitable container, leave for 10 days, until the compote will not acquire the smell of cider. Refreshments ready. It remains to be diluted with water, and pour all the roots. Hydrangeas, blueberries, peonies and roses, and they can be sprayed. Pour the remaining apples into compost or a barrel, sprinkled the ground. It is useful to pour compote and very compost pile to compost quickly matured.

Now you know what you can do with the windfall, and the issue will never again torment your brain. Now I hope you decide not to refer under cover of darkness fallen apples in the trash? After all, this is a very valuable product, which you can find a lot of applications!

original article hereAt our new site 4 Seasons gardener.

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