How to make a foundation for a bath: a photo-guide!

  • Dec 24, 2019

Many homeowners are beginning construction of a bath with the house on the site. Bath - a small building. it is not used, it does not weigh a lot for a living, because most often constructed of lumber, logs or boards, and wood - one of the lightest construction materials. Because of this, for the bath to a great variety of projects. Many people have erected baths without construction and engineering education. This is especially true of small single-storey buildings.

It begins with the foundation of any structure. For baths, you can use different types of foundations, it all depends on the structure of values, the load on the base and especially the soil. Apply these foundations:

of columnar blocks or brick or reinforced concrete;

Pile of screw or bored piles;

belt fine penetration;

monolithic slab with a reinforcement cage.

Each type has pros and cons. Slab is durable and versatile but expensive. Tape for small baths would be superfluous. Pile is good for heaving of soils, but the need for the installation of equipment. Pier - one of the most economical and at the same time simple and quickly erected. For its arrangement will need to do the following.

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Step 1. Perform calculations, measurements and draw a simple design and drawing. Poles should be located on the building corners without fail, at the intersection of walls, as well as under the oven if it is in the bath. On average, the foundation pillars should be every 1.5 - 2 meters. After leaving the project construction site is marked using stakes and twine.

Step 2. Dig holes for posts. Dig a hole two ways - a shovel or hand drill. The second method is preferred, as it allows to make a neat round section channels. Moreover, together with such productivity assistant drill larger than the conventional method.

Step 3. Do waterproofing. Suitable roofing material or stekloizol a roll. Displace a tube with a diameter slightly smaller than that of holes in the ground, the bottom is preheated to attach blowtorch resin. Omit these tubes into the pits.

Step 4.Knit reinforcement. For baths sufficiently rods 10 mm - 3 vertical segments bind every 40 - 50 cm. Descend into the pit. Above the surface next column should be about 20 cm reinforcement.

Step 5. Prepare the concrete in the mixer. On one part cement volumetric take two parts sand and three parts of gravel. Fill it all in waterproof covers and wait until dry. The remaining gap between the walls when dry ramming sand and gravel.

On top of the pillars of the foundation can be laid logs, and if desired, can be made grillage. In any case, the foundation work is not the most cost more baths.

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