What can be put next to the pine - examples of successful plant combinations

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Using conifers in the regeneration of the territory gives a distinct advantage. After all, in the winter wither and lose their visual appeal many plants. Evergreen same year-round feast for the eyes. But they do not all get along well with each other and with other neighbors. The answer to the question of what to plant next to the conifers will help extravagantly friendly environment and give it a well-groomed appearance.

Evergreen conifers year-round feast for the eyes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Evergreen conifers year-round feast for the eyes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Conifers and herbaceous plants

Rightful place beside the spruce, juniper, fir take this herb as aconite (in shlemovnik people). It belongs to the buttercup family. The upper petals bud resemble the shape of the helmet. They have a blue color with a purple hue. The very same stem and leaves always have a glossy bright green. Aconite is widely used in medicine.

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No less interesting from the point of view of the neighborhood with conifers is the delphinium. This herb is also a representative of the buttercup family. The stem is hollow it, dissected leaves and buds resemble the shape of the nose of a dolphin. Hence the name delphinium. Flowers had, as a rule, have a blue, purple, pink, white color. As a result of work of experienced breeders were displayed a number of new varieties of plants. Delphinium, along with aconite is widely used in medicine.

Volzhanka (otherwise arunkus) is very interesting, and above all, unpretentious. This plant is at first glance a modest, but it has a very beautiful appearance during flowering. Inflorescences with small white flowers or milk can reach 60 cm in length. Volzhanka leaves have a complex pinnatisected shape with serrated edges. Another of its distinctive and pleasant bonus is an incredibly delicious and fragrant aroma, in which Volzhanka can learn from afar.

Loosestrife also represents a very interesting plant which is superb ensemble near conifers. He is absolutely unpretentious. Its height may reach half meters. Inflorescence loosestrife have pretty high with small flowers as asterisks (white, purple). The most prominent member of the family is lythraceae Lythrum salicaria, by another weeping. It got its name due to its ability to allocate the excess moisture through the stomata on the leaf blade. Thus, looking more closely, you can see on the leaves of small droplets like tears.

Interesting from the standpoint of the neighborhood is with conifers Delphinium. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Interesting from the standpoint of the neighborhood is with conifers Delphinium. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Conifers and shrubs

This combination of plant looks very impressive all year round. The most spectacular are the bushes, on which matured bright berries by the end of the summer season. One of the first places in these duets with conifers can be given, of course, barberry. This plant is very unpretentious, but at the same time has a very impressive appearance. The most common member of the family is Berberidaceae Berberis vulgaris. This plant height of about 2.5 m, has a color from green to brown, the leaves in the form of an ellipse. Incredibly beautiful bright red fruits ripen elongated in the early autumn. Immature is very dangerous to eat, as they can cause poisoning. barberry fruits are widely used in food and medicine.

Colorful duet with pine looks barberry, which ripen bright berries by the end of the summer season. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Colorful duet with pine looks barberry, which ripen bright berries by the end of the summer season. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Rosehip also applies to shrubs, perfectly combined with pine needles, fir, juniper, etc. The plant is completely unpretentious, perfectly transfers the cold. The branches of a bush covered with brownish-red bark. They are a set of powerful spikes, hence, in fact, the name of the plant. The average height of a shrub up to 2 m. Special attention is, of course, should be given to hips. They have a bright orange-red color and are just a storehouse of vitamins. It is for this reason hips strongly used not only in food industry, medicine, and even in cosmetics. rosehip oil has tremendous healing, regenerating properties, and is a component of the plurality of means beauty industry.

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