7 errors during the construction of baths

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Erection bath at summer cottage - a complicated and long process. If you decide to start building your own, you need to avoid common mistakes that can later lead to a number of problems.

  • An unsuitable kind and type of foundation. Follow the rules of cooking and grout.
  • When using the log choose linden and aspen. These woods have a neutral charge and relax the body. Aspen frame possesses good quality characteristics, resistant to moisture and humidity. Do not use pine wood for the bath.
  • Improper carcass construction and workpiece materials. Harvest felling is necessary in winter and autumn after the termination sokogonnym processes in the tree, it will give them strength. Blockhouse assembly services are best left to professionals who will be able to maximize timber tightly fit to each other. Observe the time left standing and shrinkage of a log house - from the moment of the assembly before the start of other works must be at least 6 months.
  • The lack of fire-fighting measures. The furnace for the bath, chimney and other elements to be mounted in strict compliance with safety regulations. It is better to buy better and more expensive equipment than save at the start of the construction and as a result lose health or life. The ventilation system is necessary to build such a way as to ensure a flow of fresh air heated in the steam room for a comfortable stay in it. according to the rules of safety door should open outwards easily, even in low jolt inside!
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  • Invalid chosen for the furnace lining. As a functional and aesthetically attractive veneering material is best to choose a porcelain tiles (hand or machine painting). This furnace will exude a soft pleasant warmth, it is easier to keep clean.
  • Savings in fuel. It is forbidden to use the stove in a bath of coniferous trees, which form a lot of smoke and soot. You can not use willow and rotten wood. Oak, birch and alder are considered to be the best fuel for the steam room. Ash wood chips burn too quickly and does not give effective results.
  • Using untested stones for the stove. Before you put the stones in the steam bath, inflame them and check for dirt and strength.

A source: https://banya-expert.com