Ice and flame: if temperature changes are dangerous for the organism

  • Dec 24, 2019
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HLS followers noted that trips to the baths and douches have a beneficial effect on the body. But is it really? And how changes in temperature affect on the unprepared person?

Visiting bath

Often the bath procedures include a visit to the steam room and then diving into the font, or taking a shower. It is believed that the transition of the heat in the cold has a strengthening effect on the body, helps fight toxins, and strengthens the immune system.

In fact, everything is useful, but in moderation. So, scientists have confirmed that a visit to the bath reduces the risk of heart disease. But at the same time, for people with existing cardiovascular disease, such campaigns in the steam room can be dangerous. So If you have any unpleasant sensations in the pair of hiking in the bath should be discarded.

If you talk about diving in the pool with cold water immediately after the pair, it is generally life-threatening. By the way, the same applies to the first hike to the beach, when the air is already hot, and the water in the pond still cold. As noted scientists, the body at the time of immersion in cold water undergoes such sensations:

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  • The shock of the cold. As a result, the heart begins to beat faster.
  • Reaction to diving. The heart tries to slow down to save oxygen.

As a result, in the heart crashes entailing arrhythmia. And she, in turn, can lead to death.

So after the sauna is better to take a warm shower, allowing the body to adapt to the low temperature.

Cold and hot shower

Douches is alternately change in water temperature from hot to cold and vice versa. It is believed that this technique makes it possible to temper the immune system, which reduces the risk of contracting infectious diseases.

As experts explain, the improvement of the general condition and the cardiovascular system is actually going through the change of the water temperature. Thus, under the influence of cold water vessels begin to narrow to protect the body from heat loss. Then, under the influence of hot water vessels, on the contrary, expanded, to prevent overheating of the body. This narrowing-expanding and leads to the strengthening of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

However, the body to be gradually accustom douche procedure. The initial temperature difference should be minimal, gradually increasing. Abrupt change of the heat to the cold can lead to arrhythmias. Further, aqueous intervals must also be minimized and accurately be increased.

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