How to deal with an aggressive stray dog ​​and how to make it back down? (Explains the dog handler)

  • Dec 11, 2020
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Good afternoon, dear guests and channel subscribers!

All of us have at least once in our life faced a situation when a dog begins to show aggression towards us. There are stray dogs everywhere, not only in industrial zones or in abandoned territories, they run around private households, and even more often - in the yards of apartment buildings, including children's sites ...

I have long wanted to write this article, because this topic is always relevant ...

At the end of winter, an event was organized at the school for the eldest daughter with the participation of employees of the Cynological Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Not only children were invited to the meeting, but also their parents. One of the topics of the meeting, just defense from stray dogs, was a rather interesting topic, which I want to tell you about here...

Each animal has its own psyche. In particular, dogs are social animals that, like humans, seek maximum comfort. But, a dog has no norms of behavior and education, unlike a person, so if a dog it seems that someone is invading her space, she immediately lets it know and demonstrates aggression.

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Dogs are great empaths. Any of them senses a person's mood and catches the concentration of adrenaline, and therefore, approaching an animal, you never need to wind yourself up with thoughts about fear, but to behave calmly and not pay attention.

You need to understand that if a dog barks at you, this is not an attack yet and you should never give in to panic. Lai, it's just a way to communicate. Aggression is expressed by growling when ears are pressed to the head.

In most cases, the dog is curious about the smell and he runs up to sniff you or is driven by a feeling of hunger. There are a lot of stray friendly dogs. If at this moment fear and stupor overwhelm a person, which is accompanied by nervous screams and sudden movements, then the dog can sharply change its intention from friendly to aggression.

There are 3 known options when a dog can show aggression:

  • protection of puppies (not always their own);
  • feeling hungry or the animal is sick;
  • protection of the territory.

Increasing her aggression can be a gaze, as for animals this is considered a challenge. In such situations, it is not recommended to make sudden movements and run away, otherwise the prey instinct will work.

More importantly, you do not need to use either pepper or gas self-defense means - dogs do not react to nerve gases (there are special remedies commercially available for such cases, which are similar to burning gases for mucous membranes namely animals). When meeting a dog, you need to pretend that you don't notice it and your paths don't cross.

At this meeting, the inspector-dog handler explained what to do in case of aggression and attack.

Depending on the size, the behavior of dogs when attacking is distinguished: small dogs (including small breeds) bite legs in the ankle area, medium ones grab into the body and for the "fifth" point, large ones always knock down and cling to neck.

Usually, the attack takes place from behind, so you always need to keep an eye on the animal and not look into the eyes. In addition, you need to visually create the dimensions of your body that exceed the dimensions of the animal. To do this, the arms are spread over the entire width and a slow movement towards the dog is carried out without sudden movements. In 50% of cases, according to the dog handler, the dogs run away, and the stronger ones increase the distance.

You can safely throw stones, sand at it or use a stick - but being sure that with several attempts, at least one will be successful. Also, any object exposed in front of him is perceived by the dog as a means of defense and it can retreat.

If a pack of dogs is showing aggression, then you need to cuddle up to a tall object with your back, without the ability for animals to get around you. Here, work is always carried out with the dominant dog - with the leader. It is always visible in terms of size and degree of aggression.

In extreme cases, outer clothing is wrapped around the hand, and while the dog is distracted by the hand, blows are struck in the most vulnerable places for it - the stomach, ribs and nose. The main thing is not to hesitate to call for help. When there are 3 or more people, the dogs always retreat.

But, the best option would be an ultrasonic repeller. If you often move through areas where stray dogs are likely to appear, it is worth purchasing one, the high frequency sounds annoy almost all animals.

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