Useful tips: how to bathe in a Russian bathhouse correctly

  • Dec 24, 2019
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To the effect of the Russian bath was a maximum, it is necessary to observe the basic rules of its visit and to take into account important nuances.

Preparing for a hike in the bath

Before going to the sauna should remember 2 important rules:

  • You can not load or starve. The best option is to eat snacks for 1 hour Visit to the bath.
  • In no case can not drink alcoholic beverages before and during the bath treatment!

preliminary stage

Before you go into the steam room should take a warm shower. Reception Time - not less than 3 minutes. At the same time, it is not recommended to rub the body of a washcloth and used soap. The fact that such procedures will clear protective layer of the skin, and it becomes vulnerable. You also can not soak your head.

After receiving the soul should smear fat cream lips, around the eyes and feet - it will protect the skin from exposure to high temperatures. Hair should roll up a towel. To protect the scalp from drying cap or towel you can soak in warm water.

The first set in bath

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At this stage, the body tolerance to heat. Therefore, the first call lasts no longer than 3-5 min. Broom though take with them, but the first call do not use it.

Primary body warm is better to carry out on the bottom shelf. Here below the temperature of the air, making it easier to move the adaptation.

The second visit to the steam room

The second approach is to last longer - from 10 to 15 minutes. At this time, you can "walk" through the body broom. A man who will be made of broomcorn massage, put on the shelf. After the procedure, you can not get up sharply, should lie for a couple of minutes and then slowly get up, and get out of steam.

The third and the remaining strays

The optimal number of taps in the bath - 5-7. At the same time, the duration of each subsequent call may slightly increase. However, the maximum time that can remain in the steam should not exceed 25 minutes.

What to do between calls in a steam room

In the periods between calls in a steam room can take a contrast shower. Experienced steam bath attendants from immediately jump into cold font. For beginners, such maneuvers can be dangerous. Therefore it will be enough to take a shower, the temperature of which must be within 25-30 ° C. At each visit the following baths can gradually reduce the temperature of the water in the shower.

After the water treatments you can drink hot tea to restore water balance and gain strength. Then lie down. The duration of the period between calls in a pair depends on personal experiences and can range from 10 to 30 min.

In addition, this time can be devoted to cosmetic procedures. Steamed skin perfectly perceive masks, peels, scrubs, honey massage and other effects.

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