How to grow pineapple on the windowsill and get gorgeous flower room

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Many people try to put a bone of avocado, mango or pineapple top of the green. It is interesting that such a marvelous tropical representatives of the world take root quite well in the Russian window sills and even begin to bear fruit!

Choosing the perfect planting material

Not everyone can germinate pineapple, cut palmoobraznuyu top. What should pay attention to the fruit was suitable for settling it in pots:

  • Only suitable for planting fruit with fleshy, healthy, rich green leaves. If the crown faded and turned yellow feathers, this fruit is not suitable for planting.
  • Color scales fruit should be golden brown, without spots.
  • The fruit should be soft. the guarantee of health - elasticity and lightweight cushioning during compression.
  • It is believed that the best for planting pineapples sold in August and September.

What are we going to plant: preparation of pineapple crown

There are two basic ways to separate the green top of the fruit of the body:

  • Unscrew.

Prickly pineapple leaves, wrap a soft towel, grab the green at the base of the crown and gently rotate around its axis. Ripe fruit should be very easy to part with foliage. On the fruit will remain juicy little hole, and on the grassy leaves a small cone-cutting.

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  • Cutting down.

This method is suitable for the unripe fruit. Do not twist too much pineapple, if with 2 turns greens will not leave, then have to be cut.

Stepping back from the junction and green fruit fall back 2 cm, make a horizontal cut. Focusing on the core, remove the excess, releasing the cone-cutting.

Sprouting green crown

Prepared cap green leaves protect the handle from the fruit pulp. The cone-cutting should be clean, not to start the process of fermentation or putrefaction.

Gently remove the 2-3 series most of the lower leaves. Be careful not to damage the body of the future of the spine. Cut the green tops of the stacks of leaves, so that in the end you left the barrel of 7-10 cm with cut leaves.

Prepared stalk set in a glass of water at room temperature by immersing the root cone-2-3 cm water. Leave for germination. The best place would be warm and very sunny location on the windowsill. After 3-4 weeks, the roots of the first to appear.

Important! Water, in which there is a crown of the pineapple should be changed every 2-3 days to keep it mutnela not wander and does not stagnate.

The tools that will be needed for landing

For independent work with the top of the pineapple need not crafty stuff that is at hand at each hostess. So, prepare:

  • shallow pots of 25-30 cm diameter;
  • flower soil and expanded clay;
  • water;
  • polyethylene film.

Step by step planting instructions

  • Ideal for pots of pineapple - with a wide neck. This pot is required to make a drainage hole 3. Pour the concrete block and the ground.
  • Soil composition: turf ground, peat, sand, humus in equal parts. When planting the land have to be heated.
  • In the center of the planters do well depth of 3-4 cm. Put back the green top, sprinkle with the ground roots and gently close to the soil stalk leaf growth line, gently push the ground.
  • A little water the plant. Pineapple does not like waterlogged soil, so do not Strive.
  • Cover the pots on top of the polyethylene film. Place the pots in a bright warm place. So in a special microclimate plant gets used to the new conditions quickly. Remove the tape will be when the new leaves appear on the seedlings, after about 3 weeks.

Since the landing plant needs only a regular moderate watering, for a time care film can be removed.