Three little secret to your great harvest of excellent onion (Personal experience of our readers - gardener with experience)

  • Dec 24, 2019

Everyone knows that you can not cook without onions almost no one dish. Sharp and rich in vitamins vegetable enhances the flavor of any food. In addition, it is widely used in folk medicine: onion juice or infusion to help cope with a runny nose and relieve pain in the throat. A decoction of onion peel perfectly strengthens the hair. Grow this culture is easy.

And onions, and green

I have a few beds in the area under the bow. Welsh, long onion, pleases me with its green as soon as the snow melts and during the summer. I put him once, and always on hand fresh greens. In perezharku to soups, in harvesting and storage is more suitable onions. From black cumin seed onion by autumn small bulbs grow, the strongest of which I use for the cultivation of onions, turnips.

Three secrets of excellent onion

This culture likes loose soil and abundant, but rare watering. Large bulbs I manage to grow on the soil, the depth of topsoil is 40 cm.

In early May, on the prepared rack make a bed mesh 10x10 cm. At the intersection of these lines, and will nest for bulbs. On landing bulblets (2-3 cm. in diameter) cut off the tails and soak in a strong salt solution. To each well, pour a handful of ash (the bow just loves dressing), shed water and planting bulbs. Ten days later, the bow shoots resemble the soldier's duty. This vegetable Kripen'ka not stand too wet soil. From its overabundance of it begins to rot right in the ground.

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If the illness is bound

If I notice yellowing leaves in a forest onion, then plants plagued by larvae of onion flies. At this stage rid with a strong salt solution.

I know, I know that now I have the possibility of flight tomatoes (if anything, I prefer pink :)) for its use, but without it there is not enough. If you miss this moment, the mercy waiting is not possible, this pest spreads instantly.

In recent years, in between rows of onion toss carrot seeds - these two vegetable mutually help each other in all sorts of overcoming diseases. Never fertilize onions manure, it also contains unwanted pests onion. Once a season using potassium humate or mullein solution. All the rest of the loose soil, especially after rain.

I want freedom!

The fact that it is time to remove the onion, he tells himself. It matures at the end of July or early August. onion head almost popping out of the ground and the tops is over the beds - so I've got to get him out of the ground. Has cut the tops and roots sluggish, I get rid of excess peel onions and put on a grid of the metal old bed, occasionally mixed with one barrel to another. Day of the land on the sun, and at night the onion is blown in the shed. Well dried onions store in cardboard boxes in the basement.

With greens all winter

Not to buy in the winter greens, I grow it myself. Ever since the fall of the land type in pots from the garden, with the onset of cold weather, they wander from the veranda on the kitchen windowsill. The warmed land I plant small bulbs. I get a kind of conveyor: the place of planting bulbs pulled out another, and so the whole winter on my desk emblazoned fresh greens.